Sam Jackson Five

Will someone please tell him the First Rule of Holes?

It's funny because so many parents stress about keeping their kids entertained all summer with activities, but my parents barely SAW me during the summer. In for meals and that's about it. It was fantastic.

Sure it is. My childhood was unsupervised. I was basically pushed out the door and told to be home when the street lights came on.

Anecdotally: My parents let me be outside alone constantly. Sometimes I was not alone: My younger brother, younger sister and I played, unsupervised, in Central Park and Riverside Park for hours and hours, days and days in a row. We were also deposited in the Museum of Natural History while my parents went to

Jesus Christ. When I was a kid during the summer, the only time I saw my parents was when I came home for dinner. We'd play outside, unsupervised for WEEKS! Fucking busy bodies need go find a hobby.

WHEW! Good thing everyone who hasn't heard the term let us know about it!

Or, at least in my case, so old that all the years blend together.

Call me crazy, but I swear I first heard MPDG used back when Garden State came out (2004-ish?).

You're just a big lame.

Cat shade. The worst kind of shade.

THAT was the longest article you've ever seen?

Our kids are duds, I'm exchanging mine at the mall ASAP.

I have a sneaky yet unconfirmed theory that these large scale rainbow loom projects are the creations of midwestern tweakers.

Oh my god, I had just finished reading a comment about Drake's buttplay stuff and my brain didn't switch over to "new comment, new topic" and I read "My dad did something very similar to Alicia Silverstone." and all I could think was "good for your fucking dad, Alicia Silverstone is hot, I'd eat her butt."

Then I

My dad did something very similar to Alicia Silverstone.

I stared at her for awhile before I even noticed he was in the frame...

dress is a size 4/6

I want to be more judgmental, but that woman is giving me a boner from a thousand miles away.

If getting a boner while on a boat with a pretty lady is wrong, then I don't wanna be right.