Sam Jackson Five

I've found that tai chi and Chai tea work well. Relaxed muscles are capable of faster really want that snap in your punches.

He's confused from the moment he opens his eyes in the morning.

Don't forget science, every religion that isn't Americanized Christianity, empathy, art, languages that aren't Americanized English, fiction, nonfiction, comedy, America, humanity, life, death, mortality, being a good person...

terrible, but i lol'd

I swear, half the reason I stay married is so I won't have to deal with bullshit wedding expectations again.

Dear Close Friend,

the comment above about "white women bashing Indian people" is lame (because Indian rapists are being bashed not Indian people)

Good to know. I'll alert the press.

"I mean white people definitely have been staking their claim on land for hundreds of years"

Mark " Rosebud " Shrayber was clearly inspired and moved by todays' Gawker article

Right, and the other thing that gets me going is do they not see how this creates a dangerous precedent for EVERYONE? Even Men? How can they not see that? I'm pissed about the birth control, but I'm even more pissed about furthering the idea/agenda that corporations/companies are people and should have more

This is the same idiot who was outraged at the London Olympics opening ceremony because it featured too many "African-Americans" (there are so many Americans out there who call black Brits "African-Americans"), too much diversity, a lesbian kiss and socialized healthcare.

I am going OFF on anyone who tells me to "calm down" about this or that I'm being "hysterical." NO I AM NOT. I am angry as fucking hell and dismissing me by telling me to calm down is fucking bullshit. Fuck this dude and every other person who is making light of the SCOTUS ruling. FUCK THEM TO HELL. FUCK THEIR CHURCH,

Your boyfriend still jerks it. Probably while fantasizing about watching porn.

How do you know your boyfriend doesn't watch porn? And even if he did, why do you feel the need to point out that neither of you watch it as if it's some kind of badge of honour?

I love it. It's so calm and dismissive.

Seriously. My wife and I discussed this one time. It is troubling how fixated some of these folks are on gay sex. Most people aren't this fixated on sex they're actually interested in having.

These arguments are not those of serious people.