Sam Jackson Five

I always read his name as "Alan Rickman" and I go through a split second of panic and confusion.

Ugh you've managed to type in an uptalking voice. Didn't think that was possible.

Basic Black and Basic Latino Bitches next week? Nah, probably not..

So sayeth Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett in Good Omens.

If you had added some random >>>>>>!@ and made the amount $4,325 per week, this would be COTD material!

I hope Clinton sues the pants off them for using her image without her consent.

Amy Adams' publicist is clearly paying for this story to be pushed on gawker. This is the third time I've seen this damn story.

Back in my day (2008?) we just had sex with people to get a sense of whether or not they were worth going on a date with.

I mean, to be fair, half of this seems to be that you just don't fucking know how to cook.

You say tomato, I say wet blanket.

So they made the RL version of Princess Monster Wife

So to be clear, you're suggesting that the antics of a group of unelected 25-yos, only some of whom were verifiably employed by an elected official, and statements released to the press by a group of elected officials, most of whom had held office longer than the former group had even been alive, are equivalent's a pretty sad state of affairs that I'm actually kind of wistful for the days that Republicans would say something nice about Hillary Clinton/Democrats in general "I don't agree with what she says but she says it well and so does he." Good luck ever hearing a Republican in Congress ever say that about

Don't really care about Bradley Cooper, but can I just mention (as someone who has celiac disease) how freaking eye-roll inducing Jennifer Esposito can be about her celiac disease? She is always going on and on and ONNNN about her "autoimmune disorder" (which, yes, it is) and how she can barely function (which, yes,

Guuuuuyssss... She is young. We all have been young. We all didn't just come into existence with a deep understanding of feminism and what it truly means. And I know a LOT of us also did the, "I'm not a feminist, I love men!" thing at some point. Most of us had a long journey to get where we are and still have a

Why would a man be able to dictate someone's medical care who is not himself? That makes no sense.

Why is this still an issue?

Hi Erin! Thanks for writing this. Leslie is a friend of mine, and you nailed it when you said this material would work best on a comedy stage. The bit she did on SNL comes from her stand-up routine. While her commentary isn't on America, but rather being single, it still destroys the audience with laughter every