Speaking from experience in regards to LW3: Proceed with caution and definitely assume that at least some of it will be relayed to the boyfriend.
Speaking from experience in regards to LW3: Proceed with caution and definitely assume that at least some of it will be relayed to the boyfriend.
LW #1- Please, please talk to your Union rep! That is a very messed up situation and you do not need to afraid to see a parent.
I was hating hipsters before you had ever heard of them.
Well, little girl or freshman at Arizona State.
Further proof horsie types drink a lot.
I always wanted to name a racehorse something like "Last Place" or "Glue Factory". I will finance my horse-owning through the profits of my hit rock band "Godawful Racket."
Seriously. My grandma, who we all love dearly in my family, is the ultimate cheapskate and whenever we go out to eat, we have to take the menu away from her and lie about the prices, otherwise she finds problems with everything about the food. Want my grandma happy? Tell her the prime rib is 20 bucks!
Dylan Farrow is the one who dragged Diane Keaton into this whole thing. By mentioning her by name in that letter, and saying she knew what was going on, of course Diane Keaton had to publicly respond. She politely waited until someone brought it up, then gave her views.
Well, that isn't surprising at all. If your brother was accused of sexual assault, would you believe him, someone that you have known and loved all your life, or some random woman you have no connection with? I'd believe my brother, absolutely. Apparently, she believes her friend and has strong reasons to do so. Is…
"EXCEPT (conjuction): used before a statement that forms an exception to the one just made." - OED
You're back! New title, same delusions!
Is this a Good Omens reference, or am I reading too much into this?
Basement Baby has a lot of free time on her hands.
Literally, I read that entire response in George Clooney's voice in my head. It was oddly soothing.
I hate to defend her because she is clearly a racist but in the UK and parts of the commonwealth "Chinese Whispers" is the only name we've ever used for said game.
Boy, Kevin Hart is an angry little guy.
What about Andy Kaufman? Have we given up on him being alive and pranking us all?
Keanu has to fight Abe Vigoda in the Quickening. They are both Highlanders. That's a fact.