Shouldn't it be "You're a perfect wife", Lily? Unless you are saying all those women have perfect wives, and only Delevigne is a lesbian out of them. Also, are they even married?
Shouldn't it be "You're a perfect wife", Lily? Unless you are saying all those women have perfect wives, and only Delevigne is a lesbian out of them. Also, are they even married?
Yeah, keep laughing Bieber. That will be you in 30 years you talentless shithead.
You can get compassion leave for a bad breakup in England? I could have used that in my 20s.
This comment has a significant number of words missing from it.
I don't think she's waiting for the second or third times.
I'd call them out on that bullshit as well. If they don't want millions to be dependent, don't block a bill to raise the minimum wage, try to reverse Roe v. Wade, defund Head Start and after school programs, block any funds earmarked for Planned Parenthood and attempt to repeal the ACA 42 times.
You know if animals like bears become dependent on human handouts and come into human territory three times they are shot and killed. Is this candidate suggesting we do the same to people on food stamps?
she's right! in fact, it's not just food stamps that make it too easy. Grocery stores = dependence! Time to hunt for your food, America! Hunt for every. single. meal. Don't live near any wilderness? Hunt that rat! Eat that hobo! It's the American way.
I work 40 hours a week, and I am qualified for, and depend on food Stamps.
"The food stamp program is administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture," the graphic reads. "They proudly report that they distribute free meals and food stamps to over 46 million people on an annual basis."
As a cancer survivor, I love that Hoda is making a statement about loving her body post-cancer. As a result of my cancer, I needed over 30 stitches in my back, which left an enormous scar. Now, I am constantly asked about it when I go to weddings, the beach, or even when I just wear a tank top. It is not the same as…
She also ran a ponzi scheme involving raffle tickets and land.
The republicans have declared war on poverty. They're throwing rocks at the poor.
in politics, "narcissistic traits" is generally considered a necessary pre-requisite.
When is the GOP going to start focusing on all of those welfare queens on Wall Street? Their culture of tax exemptions and dependency on handouts whenever they tank the economy....sorry, sorry, what was I thinking? Those guys are accepting handouts because they love America. Not like those brown people who are just…
First....fix this:
Or, she can also cure your manic-depression (which is a term that isn't even wildly used anymore- SO ANTIQUATED) with TRANS-CRANIAL MAGNETIC STIMULATION THERAPY!
My rambling point is I think what Lindy said was in reference to the similar, but yet subtle differences in Elizabeth's face from her sisters, rather than a snipe at Elizabeth's looks.
It would appear that the GOP is starting their bi-annual "make horrifically monstrous statements in public during an…