Sam Jackson Five

It's okay because Christian women don't poop. They just pray to god and the holy spirit whisks it out of their colon and dumps it in satan's fettuccine alfredo that he never gets to eat.

Those are not Garbage Lanes, sir, they are ancient unicorn nesting grounds.

The same thing that makes us fart rainbows and unicorns, probably.

i was wondering the same.

Republicans spend an uncomfortable amount of time discussing anal. Like, a "should we leave you alone?" amount of time.

Conservatives and religious nuts should stop telling other people how and with whom to have sex. If they like to have heterosexual intercourse with their spouses once or twice a year without protection in the missionary position, that is completely fine, but they should stop telling everyone else to do the same.

Best thing I happened to see on Tumblr today:

Better yet if butt sex is so unnatural why is the male g-spot located in the butt?

The great thing is that his letter is a response to a lawsuit filed by two LESBIANS against the state anti-gay-marriage law.

rentboy surfacing in 3, 2, 1...

If buttsex is so unnatural, then why is poop dick-shaped?

I don't know. The Attorney General in VA refused to defend the constitutional ban on gay marriage enacted via voters. He's actually working to have it overturned. And I think he's pretty fantastic for it. Voters do not get to take away the rights of groups of citizens because it makes them feel funny or because

When children, teens and young adults do amazing things, I always think, "Wow. There is hope for the future." And when people from older generations, like Retired U.S. Army Col. Johnson, do amazing things, I always think, "I guess there was hope for us all along."

I am sometimes grateful that while I am not a monster or anything, I was not born with knock-down-amazing-attract-all-the-men-in-the-WORLD looks. Because I've never had to weigh whether or not Chanel bags are worth sex with an 80 year old racist.

Knowing how she got them makes them less attractive to me.

While I don't want to just dismiss these ladies out of hand (even if I don't approve of them on a moral level), has there ever been a prominent mistress who hasn't come off as deluded and awful? They should show videos of these ladies to young girls to show them the dangers of relying on men and temporary fame.

First step is to search a service like Giphy that will return the reaction gif, Simpsons clip, or closed caption Anchorman segment that perfectly suits the post you're commenting on.

Unlike her mayor, she didn't want the pipe.