Maybe a button that says "I'm peeing. Right now. Ask me why you didn't notice!"
Maybe a button that says "I'm peeing. Right now. Ask me why you didn't notice!"
"Look lady, I don't care about what's going on in your pants."
"It was so weird when it was about penis. Now that it's about our mutual leakage, I feel much better."
"What a relief, I thought this stranger was creepily telling me about her boyfriend but it was just an innocuous conversation about her leaking bladder all along. Best friends forever!"
Perhaps Lil' Kim has been exaggerating her sexual prowess.
You do not like Sam you say? Try them, try them, and you may! Try them and you may, I say!
Well, I know when I'm showing random strangers my period pantyliners I absolutely make sure to pour a Styrofoam cup of water on them. How else would they believe me about absorbency? What an accurate ad depicting these true-to-life conversations between lady strangers. It's weird how she just knew the other lady…
We surfbordt, we danst, we swrld.
I want to thank Jezebel's writers for watching and posting about this show and Lindsay so I didn't have to.
I'm the opposite of famous but I'm pretty sure I have the same amount of "fans" as lil' Kim does. :|
I didn't know that political chemistry was a thing,
I didn't say you were wrong. I was just pointing out the fact that is was a quote, in case you missed that. But I didn't realize pointing something out means I deserve to be condescended to. Thanks for clearing that up!
Kids...the little people who depend on adults for protection. Fuck 'em. /eyeroll
I will admit that I landed on "Christian" and stopped but then immediately chastised myself for being a judgemental asshole. This guy seemed like he was a well loved, well respected all around good person... super sad story.
Well, he was white and Christian and male. He clearly could not have been altruistic. /s
I think at this point, a parody of Buzzfeed might start hitting up against Poe's Law.