Is Mark Hoppus for real? I'm not famous, rich or good-looking, don't really hang out with partiers, was born in 1984 and have had cocaine offered to me at least half a dozen times. I'm actually astounded.
Is Mark Hoppus for real? I'm not famous, rich or good-looking, don't really hang out with partiers, was born in 1984 and have had cocaine offered to me at least half a dozen times. I'm actually astounded.
It's only defamation if it's not true, so is she:
"Dick pics are God's gift to women"
Could you imagine if her and Tucker Max had a baby? It would the Bro That Saved Us All
419. Doing something for an actual child would require an actual investment of time or money (sometimes even both), so that isn't happening. Much easier to yell at women for having an abortion.
A man who marries his mistress leaves a job opening.
They're mocking her.
Eh, a lot of PoC hate Iggy. I've defended her in the past based on her history (what you said), and been jumped by plenty of PoC commenters about how privileged I am and how I'm whitesplain'.
So, my problem with you saying she is "appropriating," is that you are white. Don't ask me how I know.
"...repetitively exploring the unknown path behind the hole."
Being a mother makes me respect Mother Nature all the more. Happy Earth Day!
There is some hilarious footage of my 5th birthday at Chuck E Cheese, during our allotted ball pit time. I leapt in, only to spend the next few minutes unable to get out. (I was wearing tights and also possessed very weak little girl arms.) After asking several kids for help, and managing to actually yank IN a tiny…
My cat would love this desk, but would only use the cubbies when I was absent. If I were there, I guarantee she'd decide to either sit on on my lap and try to give me kisses, walk back and forth across the keyboard area, or switch between the two positions every five seconds.
Shut up Bethenny.
I mean, it's possible that he's a kind and reasonable person, slowly maturing, who just has different goals than I do, was raised in a very different environment than I was, was playing a part, and (most importantly) lacks any internal notion of embarrassment or shame. I'd be surprised, but it's possible.
Has Bethenny Frankel ever said anything that wasn't just plain fucking stupid?