Sam Jackson Five

So this is why I'm not getting laid! My alternative is getting me nowhere:

This would totally work for me... just not too close to my ears, please.

That lion gif works better than a hundred #truebeauty ads.


Seems like a super nice guy. Legitimately happy for him to get that experience. Pretty cool.

I'd still be running.

Elite runner's jog is faster than my sprint.

2:49 is still a stupid good marathon time.

Like a boss!

Well seeing as how I was one of two black servers and everyone would jump back when a group of black women walked it, I'd say they had the same experience. Picky, stingy black women. White men tip the best, always hands down, the best, consistently. As long as theres a fat dad at the table, and I kept him happy (which

My sister was a server in New Orleans, and that was always what she and her service friends would say. She basically said that the one week a year when the Southern Baptists would have their annual conference in NOLA was the week she would take off work because she would have to work 3-times as hard and make no

It's STILL funny!

Wow, maybe its geographical. Cuz where I'm from, the mid-atlantic states, it was pretty much a given black women were the worst. We'd call "not me!" when a group of them walked in. And LORD were they picky. Especially about mixed drinks. I do not miss waiting.

No, the worst customers/tippers are black women and foreigners.

Cough. I have a ginger Amelia. I'd blame my nerd husband entirely but I think it's the prettiest name in the world.

Now playing

HEY!!! Slagathor is from one of my favorite Scrubs episode jokes!! Don't judge. There was a time when it was funny.

Way to shame everyone named WackyTaco692, parents. Ugh.

Chalupa Batman would have been a LEGENDARY name!!!

I think I can hazard a guess: Pretty people, thin people, people who have good jobs, people who vote, people of color, white people, women, men, housewives, dog people, joggers and bicyclists.

Also, judging from the picture, people age faster in Afghanistan.