You know narcissism doesn't have to be about looks. People who go around believing they deserve their own little violin and feel the need to play it all the time can also be considered a narcissist.
You know narcissism doesn't have to be about looks. People who go around believing they deserve their own little violin and feel the need to play it all the time can also be considered a narcissist.
I've had crap comments about my weight at gyms and on the street, and it never would have ocurred to me to assume that she was ignorant of or insensitive to such bullying. Try to direct your active fantasy life in a more positive direction. (Oh, and the puppies. She wears boots, so she must kick puppies.)
What fucking gym do YOU go to? I've gone to gyms for decades, surrounded by people of all sizes, and I've never witnessed anyone being unkind to an overweight person. Not a single time. If anything, regular gym-goers tend to be open to any questions you might ask—-as a matter of fact the more in-shape the person, the…
Can no one say a goddamn thing without playing oppression olypmics?
No one goes to Taco Bell for "Mexican food" or even "Tex-Mex." I'm actually Mexican and know the difference of the two cuisines. Real Mexican food rarely, if ever, utilizes cheese and sour cream or veggie/fruit-goodies like tomatoes and avocado.
So, the only way you can feel sympathy for someone is if they use a platform (questionable, as she might be well-known to fitness buffs but probably not to the majority of Americans) to draw attention to a particular cause, laudable as it may be? Okey doke.
Why does the word trainer evoke such a negative response from you? Would "pregnant woman gets bullied at the gym" do the same?
WTF? Way to make this all about you and your suffering. Funny how your comment accuses her of not having any sympathy toward your situation, yet you are the one here not showing any sympathy toward hers.
Wowza. Talk about a derail.
Okay but can I make fun of her boots in the above photo?
...Do you even go here?
I think you need to check your taco privilege, my friend.
I do not have a taqueria near my house. I do have a Taco Bell less than 5 minutes away.
remember when you could run a marathon without having to raise money for some disease/cause you don't give a shit about?
We don't. Patriots' Day commemorates the start of the Revolutionary War, not the Civil War. Lexington and Concord and all that jazz.
There won't be any backtrack. The same site is full of petitions demanging different things like the Tof stamps must be in a lickable format and Finland must leave the European Union...
Much like cars, their value decreases dramatically once they've been purchased. Nobody wants a used puppy.*
I don't think I could do 26.2 miles in under 2 and a half hours if you let me break it up over a week.
Bill Rodgers, 66 and still frisky, strained a hamstring back in January but it's getting better. When we spoke…