Sam Jackson Five

Count me among those who think society must have its head even further up its ass than we all feared if the "perfect body" is not a buxom babe with some cuddly on her.

To each his (or her) own, I suppose. In my perfect universe, I have a Charlie Sheen domestic arrangement going with Upton, Kat Dennings, and Christina Hendricks.

But don't you understand, black liberals are only successful because of Affirmative Action and white guilt. Whereas black conservatives are successful because America is the greatest nation on earth where the only victims of racism are white folk. Geez, thought everyone knew that by now..

Sorry, but butterfingers, three musketeers, and payday bats are nearly at the top of my "best candy bars" list. They are vastly superior to the leaders on your list. It's scientifically true, so you can't argue.

I hope these people are ready to be billionaires.

"What's that, Timmy? You wanted to go to Disneyland? Well, maybe if you hadn't flunked spelling again we wouldn't have to go to the Rattlesnake Rodeo! Now get into that pile and don't come out until you've filled a pint flask with venom! And so help you God, you'd better have gotten what a pint is through that cheese

Ice Cube is either incredibly bitter about his dwindling relevance or he's just the most oblivious actor out there. MTV awards are just popularity awards and Ice Cube must be bitter that he is no longer the most popular out there. Or he's just so full of himself as to think the Ride Along was some genius comedy of the

Omg. I didn't even know I wanted this until now. That's a beautiful thought.

Complaining about someone else winning an award is gross. Complaining about a dead person winning an award is grosser. Complaining about a dead person winning some ridiculous fake award at a ceremony where half the nominees don't even show up is just pathetic.

Am I the only one who skimmed this article and can only think of Dexter? Yes? OK, keeping my head down...

...but this still seems kinda beneath you Lindy.

MeTV's been rerunning Wonder Woman, and Linda Carter is such an unimaginably perfect blend of cute and sultry that it's just take your breath away time. Plus, it's amazing how much really radical for the time feminism got on TV with that show. Because WW was the heroine and "right", the men's positions were de facto

*sniff sniff* cocaine is white *driiiiip*

This is all fine and whatever, but I want to see a Wonder Woman movie franchise, and I want to see Lynda Carter playing Hippolyta.

Also, I've been to her cabaret show. It was kind of awesome.

They'd better make that Wonder Woman movie soon enough that Lynda can play Hippolyta.

It might be time to give up on Lindsay. At this point, any help provided her is just enabling her toxic lifestyle.

I'm frankly impressed no one has resorted to this

Back in the 90's a friend of mine worked with her on Hawkeye and said that she was the nicest person he had ever met. This made me so happy! (when I was a kid I was convinced that the only thing standing between me and Wonder Womaness was a pair of Wonder Woman underroos. What? I was 6!)