I believe the Marry, Date, Incarcerate is the bit that rhymes. This Marry, Date, Kill nonsense, however, completely ruins the whole spirit of the game.
I believe the Marry, Date, Incarcerate is the bit that rhymes. This Marry, Date, Kill nonsense, however, completely ruins the whole spirit of the game.
You. Haven't. Seen. The. Show.
Is it a stereotype to say women are held behind closed doors in compounds in Saudi and must wear niqabs and abayas?
I don't think this show was racist or offensive at all. I would have watched it.
You're absolutely right. There are zero valid criticisms that can be made of Saudi Arabian culture, and art is never, ever a good place to talk about cultural differences.
List of names who she will write her next album about, like she is never, ever, ever getting back with them together.
I been around! I think. Sometimes I smoke too much and just talk to the screen and forget to actually respond.
That's what you got from this? My first reaction was 'all home-schooled children and their parents/caregivers/whatever should have the authorities up their asses every friggin week'. It's not same-sex couples - it's crazy-ass home schoolers.
Are you saying when same sex couples do horrible things it should be buried in the name of not making same-sex couples look horrible. As a society, we need to be taught that no one person or couple represent a collective. Promoting the collective is what promotes the prejudice.
Yeah. My first thought was how awful it was for those kids and what monsters these women were. My second thought was about the effect this would have on future adoptions in California.
Oi. This smarmy dude needs a kick in the balls.
So I've only been at this parenting thing for 2 years now, but in my experience, just do your best not to push an agenda one way or the other. This means…
Whatever, you will have to pry the gum out of my cold dead mouth before I give it up. And you know what? I'm polite about gum- I chew half a stick at a time, with my mouth closed, and when I'm finished with it I wrap it in a bit of paper and throw it away. So fuck all you gum haters.
It makes me smile and it keeps my teeth clean.
Gum is awesome. I usually chew a piece or 2 after lunch at work because I like cinnamon breath and this way I got to work on getting some sweet jaw muscle definition!
I introduced chewing gum to my small grandchildren. It is better than eating candy with calories and sugar. Plus, it helps slowly pick up stuff stuck between their teeth between meals. I send several packs a week with my teenager to school. A lot, many, quite of few of those teenagers need something minty in their…
Yes. We all know bullying is wrong. Kids are fucking evil. But to create a whole "cause" over a backpack and pulling a kid out of school for two weeks is just ridiculous. He's in fourth grade, I think he should be aware at this point that some people are assholes, and that's not going away. Buy the kid a different…