Anaphylaxis Face is a great superhero name.
Anaphylaxis Face is a great superhero name.
They should hook up with the ATL twins, for real.
Saying that the Beastie Boys are ruined to you in one breath and referring to Adam Yauch as "a dead guy from their band" in the next? Yeah, you sound like you were a real fan.
Ethically? You do realize that the company used their music without permission and then filed an offensive law suit right? The BBoys probably should've given the company $10million to help them get going!
A dead guy from a band? Really? Have some respect. Beastie Boys don't owe GoldieBlox anything in the least. If anything their loyalty should lie with their deceased band mate.
I don't think they're being dicks. It was incredibly presumptuous of GoldieBlox to just use their song in a commercial without obtaining permission. Like the BB's said, great product but they can't just steal it and then hope they get away with it. That's not cool.
Also, GoldieBlox sued them FIRST, probably in an attempt to do exactly what happened, which is bring them extra attention and drum up sympathies. Honestly, the whole mess put me firmly on the side of the Beastie Boys; it made GoldieBlox look really underhanded.
I am no big fan of the Beastie Boys, but the idea that they are "ruining" a start up is likely false. Furthermore, you do understand that once they open the door to commercialization of their music for one, even someone who is doing it "ethically" (and I would very much argue against the idea that GoldieBlox acted…
Yeah, what a bunch of jerks. Don't they know capital can take whatever it wants without attribution or compensation?
Wouldn't it be awesome to hear female activists in Brazil discuss these issues with female activists in the Middle East? I guarantee it wouldn't come down to WHICH IS WORSE BATTLE OF THE SEXISTS HIGH RATINGS AND CLICKING drama, but would be a nuanced discussion from people who live those cultures. It would also be a…
Why are these two places being compared?
As a Brazilian woman I find this article a gigantic piece of crap.
soo...i have lived and worked in brazil and continue to go there for research. and let me tell you, people there, including women, dress pretty similarly to women in the US. this is even more apparent in the winter, especially in a place like são paulo (city) and the south where it gets super cold to the point of…
RAAAAAAGGGE. Casting covered women and uncovered women as representative of a non-feminist, non-empowered existence is building a standard where the only acceptable form of female is Liz Lemon — white, Western, cardigan and jeans. That's super shitty and close-minded and self-centric and dumb.
Okay it is not like this is what a woman wears everyday. This is a carnival costume as pointed out in the article. It's not like you'll get in hurt if you don't put on your sparkly bikini before you leave the house. In Trinidad we also have carnival wear woman wear sparkle bikinis and headresses and wings and then…
So, it is worthwhile to play the oppression Olympics? Women are subjugated all over the world and we would like to pass judgment when it happens here to? Also, Lourdes discusses Brazil, not Latin America, so not acurate. I think there is a better way to word that headline also. Its offensive and not productive.
My husband works loss prevention at a grocery store. You get plenty of "normal" people stealing because they "don't want to pay" for items (Some have literally said this to him) and a LOT of people previously convicted of theft (and I'm not talking about the homeless guys) coming back and stealing more stuff, usually…
Damn. I see everyone else has already taken you to task for your trollery. Allow me to just flip you the bird and off I will go.
High end appliances, way more food than two men could eat. I don't think this was ethical theft for survival.
Taking a sack of potatoes, a frozen chicken or some eggs could be hunger. Stealing $2000 of merchandise with the help of an accomplice is grand larceny, probably by a professional thief.