Sam Jackson Five

Is it possible that no major studio release has had a Latina/Latino actor in a major role this year?

Wow. Just "wow."

Jesus. No wonder even I don't keep an eye on MSNBC during the day.

"I do most of the cleaning because you're not that good at it and are kind of a slob. Also, I find it relieves stress. Thanks for cooking, as I have no interest in food until I am hungry."


Wow. Tough room.

How does "Marry, Date, Kill" rhyme? Are you Welsh?

You've changed "Marry, Date, Incarcerate," which is obviously a play on "Marry, Fuck, Kill," to "Marry, Date, Kill" in your explanation.

I do not have to respect a country where women cannot drive or vote.

So, are many women in Saudi Arabia oppressed or not? Seems like I read something about it...

Voodoo dolls.

I've always wanted to hear a fourteen-year-old squeak in different accents over the soundtrack to Drive. Thanks, Mark!

Pretty sure Mark is a guy. Nice reactionary knee-jerking, though— I certainly wouldn't want you around any kids.

Where you bean?

I saw "FA" and immediately clicked.

The excuse-making dumb ass is in the mirror. Go fuck yourself.

The piece is actually quite funny. A bit lacking in all-caps, but funny.

I don't get it.

I can certainly see why these guys would want to visit a country where most anyone will do most anything for a week-old chicken McNugget.

Fuck Orca.