
I'm sure deep within the bowels of HP there's some poor marketing person that's tirelessly crunching numbers concerning BeatsZ sales. I've had a longstanding hatred of marketing, as I studied finance and information systems in college. I try to believe in its credence in the business place, but it's difficult.

I have not dabbled in this type of hobby, but $200? That sounds like, really really cheap. I'm surprised. I'm terrible at building things though... Is there like a kit?

I'm working that phrase into my work conversations today somehow.

HTC is so much better off without it. Beats really brought no value to the hardware and, to me, it was just tacky marketing.

Sir, if you (I assume are not a rich person) EVER have a 6 ft. Iron Man kite thing, you better share it with me.

ugh rich people get all of the good stuff

" get upset over" /= "rant"

I mean, the guy that announced it is DJ Lee, so I'm just imagining some guy being like lol we remixed a phone it bends now, guys. DJ Lee, remixing the phone industry.

Eh, I've seen shitty article from Brian. He yelled at me once when I questioned an article similar to this. Writers get really upset when you point out flaws in their content, since this is their art or whatever.

People actually cared that much about the Notepad++ icon? Jeeze. When I use it, I'm usually just concerned with actually getting shit done, not the frickin' polish of the program.

lol the guy that replied to my similar comment begs to differ, and has done so with a 500 word response.

I actually just looked at my original comment again, and I didn't call this article a rant. I said they got upset about it. Regardless, this string of comments has kept me a little entertained at work, so it's been useful to me in some capacity.

I'm glad that it helped you! But I am an overly self-absorbed 20-something with a keyboard and I'm in between writing programs at work, therefore comment. This article helped us both out.

It's like, self entitlement hedonism to the extreme, world problems.

Honestly that's a bit insensitive of you. I've seen at least 4 cases of people needing to be hospitalized, some of which are pretty serious.

I'm not entirely sure you understand what a programmatic bug is. This really isn't a flaw. It's just annoying.

an icon in your chrome window is an issue? I dunno friend, it just seems a bit silly here.

Giz picks out the dumbest things to get upset over.

=[ I don't. Don't make me feel bad please.

I mean I use unicorn sperm to unlock my phone anyway so this doesn't bother me at all