
I wish everyone could just be more laid back, there's so many more thing that are way more upsetting than any of the things mentioned on this thread. Thanks for being reasonable!

I mean, I was being sassy, but mostly to make fun of when people add "gay" to things haha. I just find it funny/don't let things bother me. I'm gonna go get lunch with a gay friend later but our gay lunch looks an awful lot like straight lunch.

You're right, I absolutely do know it. It's for funnies... also, I hope you noted that I identified myself as gay, so if there was a person to be offended by it, it would've been myself.

I thought it was a little odd, since it really doesn't make a difference in the story... being gay myself, I just try to not get offended by things like this. Reading the responses to your comment have been fun though. Well, I'm off to gay work now (systems analysis can get pretty queer).

That's a manual retweet and usually you will get shit for doing it. I find it to be a little selfish, because you're basically diverting attention to yourself rather than the person that actually tweeted it. Then again, I have twitter probs pretty bad.

I made sure that I got 8gb of RAM when I bought my current laptop at the beginning of 2012... I don't think I've ever noticed it being slow. Hooray(?).

Verizon don't give a fuuuuuh

I lived in an apartment where my room was as tiny as some of these... it's really an unpleasant experience, but I did make strides with my claustrophobia. It's no longer a paralyzing fear of mine!!

.AFAMILYCOMPANY is so looooong. These things are gonna get out of hand really fast, aren't they? Related, just bought .BUTTSTUFFOKPRETTYCOOL

I can usually tell with these right away, but this one did take me a minute. Usually one picture is just a little too clean looking.

or just put off to the side maybe? Sometimes I just read right into the new, non-article paragraph by accident =[

roof bag, i love it haha