
unicorn sperm is actually how I access my phone in the first place so I'm not really concerned here

You'd think we'd get our shit together and make some proper legislation so people are protected from themselves.

Yeah I've heard the walking out of your front door numbers are pretty staggering, too.

While I agree with it possibly being a bit uncomfortable, I feel like adding another option for you to unlock the phone this way can't ever be counted against it... there's still the option to unlock it with a passcode, right? So then more options, woo! I still find myself only using the home button to unlock, but

I loved his little rant on phones. He had a similar bit on letting his kids watch tv and this just makes me love him even more. Even though he's a ginger.

I mean, I've always been down for a ridiculous death anyways. As long as I can have a death metal song playing while it happens, I'll probably be ok with it.

so life would be just waiting for crazy accidents to happen... Like, people would be more afraid of lighting and shit. We would essentially be living the lives of elves?(!)

So would we be like lobsters, which apparently live indefinitely until they're taken out by injury or disease? Would we just end up with more extraneous diseases?

Yeah I've had a lot of male friends say they hate the colors. Does look rather froufy...

which is exactly why I'm not updating my 4... I'm horrified of it ruining the poor old phone.

I'm not even sure. My mind kind of just did an automatic mad libs for some reason. And if I was that wouldn't be a bad thing, since I'm kind of completely gay.

honestly more than two a day and I probably should.

Meh they don't like the homos, but they're contractually obligated to love me and my queerness anyway.

I read the first line "IOS7 is out" and immediately thought, "of the closet?" for some reason...

angry about things or whatever


Yeah I got a little excited for a minute there.

I don't think it's really an issue at all. It's going to sell out when it's released regardless of black friday.

I would watch a "Steve and Stephen" sitcom, no questions asked.

I think both phones are rather ridiculous. But, regardless of my feelings, if you want a giant-ass phone, then I'm glad the market can provide it.