
We never saw the first autopsy. People want an autopsy done by an objective third party for the same reason they wanted the FBI to take over the investigation - theyare operating under the assumption that anything done by the SLPD/ME will be compromised.

freedom of religion is the most useless freedom

Freedom of religion...unless I don't like your religion.

They looked at irregularities and deformations in her breasts... Fuck you, future who has arrived.

Whoa. I didn't realize that it gave out her social security number! What the fuck is wrong with them? I hope she gets a decent amount of cash from those assholes and I'm happy she got her job back. God, this woman deserves a break already.

My sister and I got in a huge argument about this yesterday. I said that the police force's violent reaction to the protesters would mobilize Americans to demand some huge changes in a racist institution. My sister said that in situations like this, the institutions always find a small way to placate the general

Another African American man was killed by the police in California- pulled off his bike and had a Taser used on him.

I'm happy that the mood was better yesterday, but there is no way that it makes up for what happened over the previous days. I feel like people are going, "now it's over, everything is fine." But it's NOT FINE. There are a lot more names that need to be released, including the police officers that unlawfully

Perhaps it will also lead to Michael Brown laws, as has been noted elsewhere, in which dashboard cameras become mandatory on all patrol cars.

YES! I meant to mention this actually.

That sort of reductionist thinking is exactly what leads us to our punitive nature. When we label someone as "evil" what we're doing is dehumanizing them, trying to create them as The Other, someone for whom we need have no compassion and who we can now justify whatever horrific treatment our emotions scream at us to

It's terrible that that happened to you, but do remember that these people seeking help are not the person who abused you. They are fighting to ensure that things like your experience don't happen because of them.

This story is not surprising to me. I've been saying for ages that human sexuality is really simple: human beings can be sexually attracted to anyTHING (read zoophiles, people who feel sexual urges when they see certain objects) and anyone (read pedophiles, people with an oedipus complex, 'homosexuals', and

I don't want to read the article because I'm in a low, but I've believed for years that pedophilia was an illness and unless acted on should be felt sorry for and treated.

"Our society is a punitive culture. We are curative, not preventative."

Sorry to hear about your trouble, but non-offending pedophiles getting treatment means less kids are likely to go through what you went though.

I'm afraid "curing" pedophelia will be about as successful as "curing" homosexuality, or any other sexual orientation for that matter.

Good, I say. I've felt for a long time that we, as a society, are too quick to condemn and distance ourselves from people with pedophile inclinations. They can't help the sexual wiring of their brains any more than the rest of us. How horrifying must it be to realize you have this aspect of yourself that is

I applaud the bravery and compassion of all of the doctors who are addressing this issue. It sums up my thoughts on pedophilia, which are not acceptable by the vast majority of people.

Meanwhile if she had been found with an ounce of marijuana she would have been rotting in prison with no parole for 2 decades.