
Has A-B ever looked at the alcohol/DV stats? Didn't think so...

What really gets me is that those people whining about $400k not being that much are the same people who freak out because they saw someone with an iphone use food stamps.

That's an extraordinarily dumb thing to say and one I've only heard from middle-class people in developed countries who seem to start caring a lot about global poverty when it helps them win an argument. It is impossible for a person making $9/hr in America to cut back, especially in urban areas. It's almost

Ugh. I have to have this conversation with people like once a year and I'm pretty sick of it:
"I mean, I know how it feels! At the end of the month, I'm just barely getting by!"
"Yes, but you bought lots of things. And have lots of things to make payments on. That means you used most of your money, which is not the same

"It's important to shop around." No, it isn't. It's not important to shop around if you are a person earning such a ridiculous amount of money that you don't bat an eye when tossing money left and right. I feel extravagant ordering "unnecessary" sodas at restaurants, knowing full well I could order a water. Does that

Oh, well, if he was renting I can certainly see why he thought of himself as homeless.

I know - "paycheck to paycheck" HA. My uncle has said this. "After I spend all my money on luxuries and put the rest into my retirement savings, there's nothing left! I'm just as poor as you!"

Rage! I can't remember where I read it, but back during the Occupy movement's peak, there were idiot 1-percenters talking about how "after I pay for all these things, I only have $100K (or whatever) left, so really, it's more like I make a $100k income." NO IDIOT, THAT'S JUST FUCKING STRAIGHT UP PROFIT. No matter how

There are plenty of people who raise kids in Manhattan in homes that cost less than $1.2 million.

Difference: when you make $400k per year, you can cut expenses and still have leftover money. When you make $9/hr, there is nothing to cut.

Yes, when you spend ALL the money you make, you will, as a result, not have any money. Solution: spend less money.

The more money part if a big thing. The couple who moved in next to my parents held a seemingly thousand person wedding on their lawn (my parents yard is 8 acres, their yard is like 10)(also it was probably only a few hundred but still). They had a band, a specially made gazebo, etc etc. It was friggin posh (and for

First, Missouri isn't the South, second claiming that this is some kind of "regional" problem is stupid. Structural violence and inequality happens everywhere. Stop and Frisk was a policy of the NYPD. Renisha McBride was in fucking Michigan. Wake up.

This is a fantastic idea. One of the real problems in tracking problematic cops is that if a particular officer doesn't do something that makes the news, how does anyone outside the department establish a pattern of behavior?

They also love Beyonce, and a friend of a friend saw Kanye getting off a plane once.

Dear fellow white people,

Ya know, I haven't experienced many instances of blatant racism in my lifetime, so Rush Week during my freshman year of college has always stuck with me. I, along with a white friend, went to convention-like event in which members of campus sororities essentially pitched why their groups were the best. My friend and I

Yes, with lots of hands on work. And by "hands on" I mean hands on the trigger while you wave your gun at protesters of all ages and the media.

their actual press release says 'we have two black friends'

It's sad that we value white women more than black women even when they have swirly fucked up faces.