
This seems like a great idea. We need to get people to realize that breastmilk is food, not something gross that leaks out of sex organs.

I have to agree. The terms "push" and "grab" cover a lot of territory and obviously are nowhere near as awful as scalding or assaulting with a weapon.

Based on the question you asked, the number could be higher. The question only asks about your current relationship.

It's a CYA move from a company that makes a product that empowers domestic abusers. Color me not impressed.

No, if you make $400k, you're still probably a shitty person.

People who join "yacht clubs" are destroying America and their actions lead to incalculable suffering and misery. You don't want that.

Can we kill the fuckers and take their cash already?

You buy a new car after 7 years? Must be nice...

Most kids don't need nearly as much "back to school" crap as people think.

"Greek life" needs to be banned from college campuses. All it does is perpetuate classism and give rich kids a way to buy into a network that will allow them to stay rich without any real work.

The right to play with imaginary friends

I hope she wins and never has to work slave labor jobs again.

They inspected her breasts??? WTF? I guess this is just another day brought to you by the police state.

The number of people who are just SO impressed that they trotted out a black cop make me sick. Using POC as tools to harm other POC is repulsive.

Who cares? He's a cop and deserves what he gets.

And now Twitter has shut down Anonymous. Fuckers.

Glad to see some positive coverage of Iran. So much of what you see in this country is fear-mongering propaganda.

So why should we despise them because of who they're attracted to?

Your "gut" is the product of years of propaganda about human sexuality. People don't choose what turns them on. These men should be helped and accommodated, not threatened and marginalized.

Police corruption runs deep in this country. And very few people give a shit.