
These little boys keep on dying, unarmed and on their own

From Wesley Lowery's account of his arrest. More info here:

How did our police become autonomous little armies?

He’s on with Rachel Maddow right now. With all that footage of riot-cops. I have the tiniest hope a lot of white people just saw this and sat up straighter.

I'm not sure why people are shocked that they would arrest journalists for no reason after they had no problem shooting an unarmed black teenager to death and then immediately circling the wagons to cover their shit up.

So, we've hit the "lack of institutional control" point in this cycle.

He just didn't know better, sorry for violating your constitutional rights! okthnxbye!

freedom and justice never existed for black people

Militarization of Law Enforcement


2 journalists working in a mcdonald's in Ferguson. Police came in and arrested them for "packing their bags too slowly" when they told them to leave. They slammed one of them into a soda fountain because he accidentally walked towards the wrong door on the way out.

The are journalists. What the police just did is a violation of the first amendment.

They are journalists trying to cover Ferguson right now. A lot of journalists are being kicked out and as you see here arrested for trying to report on the story. I mentioned in another comment I'm getting ready to share an extremely well done article that should explain more. Thanks!

I really, really hope Ferguson is the tipping point for the American public to wake up and realize their own police have become a privatized military force, and that this is a serious problem. Serve and protect my ass.

Same here :'( It's just so expensive these days that I cannot justify the price, especially when fish and other meats are significantly cheaper where I live.

God, if your child can't handle seeing the cover of GQ, you probably can't even let them watch TV. Or use the internet. Or give them a cell phone. Or let them have friends. Or go out in public at all.

An excellent question. P in V through a hole in the sheet with the lights off?

If that is considered porn, how did these people produce children in the first place?

Wow. Talk about a bunch of prudes. They might not want their kids wandering around a Sheetz then considering they sell Play Boys.

I keep thinking that the extreme portrayal of dog owners in Moore's article are really caricatures, but then I read some of the posts and think, "nope. on target."