
It's a school, not a fortress. It's on a major DC thoroughfare - you can drive within 100 feet if you're so inclined. I'm not sure what the price of tuition has to do with being a distraction to other students - presumably the kids at SFS are equally distracted.

Sure. But somehow that right is less meaningful when your only option is the DC Public School system and you couldn't afford to send your kid to SFS even if literally every dollar you made went towards tuition. It's an example of the appalling income inequality in this country, and its worth pointing out.

I think talking about the kid's personal lives is generally inappropriate, but more attention should be paid to the fact that the President's children (along with the children of every other president in recent years) go to a school whose tuition (for a single student!) is more than what the average American earns in

Is there anything worse than a bachelorette party? The last thing the world needs is a bunch of privileged straight women cackling and buying shit they don't need. the fucking revolution here yet so we can cart this guy off in a tumbril already?? How people can spend so much on luxury when people are starving to death and dying for lack of proper medical care is beyond me.

Uh, the sea lion died. So...not really a rescue.

I think this discussion really reflects how sick we have become as a society. Why should your ability to subsist, to have food, healthcare, housing, etc. depend on buying into a destructive capitalist system? It strikes me as deeply wrong that people have to enslave themselves to corporate overlords just for the

You're super obnoxious. Nice humblebrag.

Hearing that anyone could justify spending $27k (!!!) on a wedding makes me want to count down the days until the revolution.

Oh those poor poor nondisabled folks! Won't someone please help the able bodied!!!!

Access to sex is a human need - why don't people get that? As a progressive, I'm a strong believer that the government should provide those needs that we cannot provide for ourselves (food, shelter, healthcare, childcare). So...yeah, I'm down with this. It seems to me that this is just a case of prudish people

People who buy this will be first up against the wall when the revolution comes.

Your friend is a 1%er. And a moron.

Or we could all just have unisex bathrooms and get over our fear of peeing in the vicinity of a penis.

That's all very nice, but maybe try reading the third paragraph of the article.

It's too early for this heteronormative, capitalist fuckery.

Your girlfriend needs serious help. She doesn't get to own your eyes - if you want to support a friend, that's your business, not hers. Your girlfriend is a jealous child.

What lies ahead? They're going to be raped in prison and are likely to become recidivists. Their souls will be destroyed by the crushing machinery of the prison industrial complex, and they'll be even more damaged then they were when they entered the system. Punishing criminals is wrong - we need to rehabilitate.

I love this so fucking hard.

I can only hope that this spells the end for this awful brand. $100 yoga gear is the worst of exploitative capitalism. How people can buy this stuff and sleep at night is beyond me.