
Google images her. Her defense colored her hair brown (and cut in bangs) and gave her those fug hipster glasses. She's normally blonde without bangs or glasses.

Yeah, clearly you haven't seen the coverage of the actual trial. She's pained him as a pedophile and a rapist, for starters. No one on that jury thinks he's a choir boy.

Can we talk about the fact that most Americans don't have anything in the stock market, because they're too poor? I'm not cool with all the patting ourselves on the back going on in the comments - yeah, it's nice you have money to invest. But most people don't, and you didn't work any harder or were any more

Yup. I also hate the idea of being complicit in the crimes committed by corporations.

Must be nice to have a lot of money. Wish I knew about that.

It's sickening to me that you couldn't get the medical treatment you need because you didn't have enough money. /tangent

$8/bottle for nail polish???? Who has this kind of money????

Is cold soup more bourgeois than quinoa and local? How?

I'd add workers rights and the rights of the poor to that list.

Doesn't negate the fact that Starbucks is complicit in the exploitation (and deaths) of coffee producers in the developing world. But uh...drink up, yuppies!

I once told a woman I coined the phrase "pardon my French."

She earned it by doing what? Starring in "Shallow Hal"?

Yes, yes I do.

<3 <3 <3

Gwyneth Paltrow actually makes me feel physically ill. I don't understand how anyone can sleep at night spending thousands on a PURSE when there are people whose lives could be saved or radically changed with that kind of money. How can you spend $5k on something you'll wear for 3 months before chucking when you

LULZ FOREVER @ sociology being a science.


I'm glad there's at least one person on Jez that recognizes that it's fucking gross to pay $100 for yoga pants.

Dude, your privilege is showing.

Sarcasm, darling, sarcasm.