
"individual sized pizzas around $15-$20 at restaurants"

It seems like high fashion people don't understand that sure, clothing is art, but its primary purpose is functional. I can have a beautiful car, but if it doesn't fucking run, what's the point?

Good, good. I take back what I said.

Yes - totally sarcastic! It depends on the tone, for sure. It's one thing if its fat ladies complaining about the lack of options; it's another if it's just a bunch of bros herp-derping all over the place.

So great that we have yet another forum to ridicule the sartorial options available to fat women.

Do you have a right to an attorney in a criminal prosecution?

Uh...not everyone has an awesome job that comes with health insurance. Check your privilege.

Fuck that. Healthcare is a fucking HUMAN RIGHT and shouldn't depend on someone looking over my shoulder to make sure I'm doing whatever correctly. Why is this so hard to understand???

People don't need 99% of the shit they buy anyway, so I see this as a good thing.

She has plenty of money and doesn't need to jump into bed with a company making clothes with slave labor. The only point of working with H&M is to enrich herself.


Ask Senator Mikulski how much money she's appropriated for companies that produce drones that kill children overseas.

1) This is a good point.

I really enjoyed this article. I don't think staying home is an ANTI-feminist choice, but I can't see how anyone would describe it as a feminist one. Opting out of the labor market (which women have fought so hard to be a part of), opting in to a system of financial dependence on a man (which women have fought so

The class consciousness is strong in this one! (That's a good thing!)


Well said. I'm troubled by the number of comments describing gentrification as anything other than racist blight.

It's funny how you think the city of Portland owes you something, when the only contribution you're making to the city is to sell obscenely priced pants.

Whenever I hear about increasing fibre, all I can think of is COLON BLOW!!

Ok, and I think its repulsive that there are homeless people and children who only eat one meal a day, and you have "no problem" spending hundreds on luxury clothing. But go ahead and pat yourself on the back for budgeting and prioritizing. You deserve it.