Well played, NVidia. Well played.
Well played, NVidia. Well played.
Hello Person from 6 years ago. I hope you are well and wanted to let you know you can now play Skyrim on the Nintendo Switch, which is 1-step above a Potato (with sour-creme on top).
Oh yes, Parasite Eve. Nice choice. Midiclorians... I mean Mitochondria give a few folks super powers while everyone else spontaneously combusts or mutates into horrible flesh monsters all across NY.
And now for something COMPLETELY different:
Where’s the Faction of PC Players who have to wait because “Same Day Launch” is hard or something. Seriously, WWE 2k18 is releasing on all Consoles & PC at the same time, but Destiny 2, nah, we gotta wait for that?
“I should know better”
Anyone with a warrant could include someone who hasn’t paid a parking ticket or some other minor legal infraction. Also saying “It’s for the childen” doesn’t really justify what the sheriff tweeted.
Actually, someone DID ask him why he didn’t open up his church. Mr. Osteen then blocked said person. Whoops.
For “being on the coast”, there’s a real lack of “coast” to be seen.
Oh, I understand the point of the game... Mei shows up, freezes me, puts an icicle through my skull.
Wait, was one of the pods listed as Macready? Oh shoot, I need to go rewatch it.
You mean like the Vostok Station?
Well, that’s why we have SCIENCE and WEBSITES to help figure out how long days and/or nights would be like. Like the following:
I’m all for cinematic feelings and all that good squishy stuff, but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to complain a little when a movie gets the science wrong. I can still enjoy something even if I find one thing annoying. It’s called suspension of disbelief. But that doesn’t mean I can’t wish film makers would realize…
I’m the best at parties, if the party involves pointing out the plotholes in movies.
My only problem with the video is the same problem I had with John Carpenter’s “The Thing”....
AND HIS NAME IS JOHN CENA! #TeamInvisibility #YouCantSeeMe
Here’s the only thing I can say on the subject....
You aren’t dissuading me from my undying belief that Japan is the Mecca of WTFery.