
“What we found out-of-bounds was the naming of specific developers as targets for public criticism”

You’re right. I should have been like “Geez, it’s nice to see a weapon from D1 finally return in D2 after it’s unfortunate exclusion from the base game over a year ago.”

Nih: There were a LOT of bad decisions made when it came to weapons. Like removing Primary/Secondary/Heavy for Primary, another Primary, and “Heavy?” Tossing out a whole section of weapons just because you’d rather promote an equally broken weapon system doesn’t fix that you’ve done nothing but mess things up, you’ve

It’s almost like taking LMGs out of D2 was a mistake or something.

Good. The FF9 guide was the worst POS guide ever and they should feel bad for having made it. Shhaaaaaaammmmmeeeeee!

Time to try Poker Night at the Inventory 2 now. It might have aged a bit better.

I don’t think it’ll be very popular. You try to Evolve your Preacher to a Pope or a Saint and the game just tells you “Evolution isn’t real” and don’t get me started on what they do if you find a dino fossil.

Oh, I was going to say, I’ve seen this sort of thing in F2P games like World of Tanks and other such games. The main difference is those games are F2P and AC:O is decidedly not.

I got absolute garbage from my free crate. Super Hawt 76 skin comes out, get a free Olive 76 skin that’s been in the game since day 1.

Now playing

I’m with Layman Gaming on this subject and their view that no one had a problem with loot boxes till developers took it too far, so seeing this “Buy this item, get extra experience fast” might not be bad right now, but how soon till it IS too far?

Now playing

So when are we gunna talk about Jason Schreier yelling at Youtubers for being anti-Microtransactional?

Oh nice. Warframe does the same thing with its Tennogen system. Works out quite well for both the players and the devs. There are some stupidly good artists out there who can make great-looking stuff, so it’s good to see more game devs going this way.

This is why I’m okay with Digital Extreme’s method of purchasing in Warframe. If I want it, I can buy it. If I want to build it, I can (except for some cosmetics). If I want a cosmetic made by a community contributor, I can buy it, and it supports both DE and the creator. None of this “I spent 10 grand on keys” BS.

Now playing

Sorry, but the original comments she replied to that she said was a sexist attack weren’t, and she just attacked someone because they thought slightly differently even though it wasn’t an attack.

And EA still had the boat anchor strapped to their neck of 6 minutes of “intense” Mobile Gaming while defiling the C&C franchise. At least Square didn’t embarrass themselves in front of millions of viewers.

Well, Square Enix’s presentation wasn’t good... but at least it wasn’t EA’s “Let’s air 6 minutes of 2 “famous Youtubers” fight each other on a dumb mobile app with the C&C name stapled to it” bad. So yeah... uh, good work Square on not being THAT bad.

How to Keep Your Relationship With an Imaginary Concept

Wait... I know what this is!

I have a PC, I do like to use it, yes.