Buckaroo Banzai reference! Here, let’s have some video:
Buckaroo Banzai reference! Here, let’s have some video:
They already did. It’s called Bayblades. And their fidget spinners allowed MOSES to PART THE RED SEA!
We’ve had stuff like that in Warframe for a while now...
Shut up and talk ALL my money!
Because Harmony Gold is the worst company in the world and they hate making money.
Oneohm: I’m sure you can find the game on some other platform, but here’s a video of a fight against him. He hits like a freakin’ mack truck:
You know what? If baseball was more like that, I’d probably watch it.
Pretty much “Ship in a Bottle”. Except Moriarty didn’t kill himself with a little Ctrl+Alt+Del.
If I ever find the author and/or publisher of that strategy guide, I’m going to go all South Park on them, and steal the money back that they owe me for that POS book.
I still have this theme song stuck in my head since the early 90s, and I’m not even mad.
Which part? The legion of floating heads, or the gratuitious posterior presented in that first costume?
Only a minute of character customization time? Booo.
Seriously, can we just stop Developers from putting these cash-grabbing loot boxes in games? Please?
And this is why they should have gone with Airwolf.
He won’t run for a 3rd term either. And he’ll invest money into making portal technology using moon rocks.
Now I feel sad. :(
I just want to know what happens in the last part of D4. Tell me! Tell me!
But will I be able to watch dogs even more?