Honestly, Lego Batman is the best Batman ever. And I have proof!
Honestly, Lego Batman is the best Batman ever. And I have proof!
Color = Bad? Remember when folks complained that all modern FPSes were brown and/or grey and that was bad? I think people just want to hear themselves complain about stupid stuff when they just don’t like something. Plus, it’s funny that TF2 is the game with the Unicorn hat but somehow being colorful makes Overwatch…
Color = Bad? Remember when folks complained that all modern FPSes were brown and/or grey and that was bad? I think…
New Pokemon Anime? Well I can’t wait to se—
At least it’s not a Zelda Scott escape room. I’d want to escape that as well.
Where’s the option to turn off Youtube comments? Is that in the game?
Time for some music...
Yeah, that line of dialogue was a red flag. At no point does the Stranger do more than appear ominous, and push the character to a different person who can help the player. She’s a literary speed bump and you could pretty much remove her from the game with little impact.
Were those the PS4 exclusives from The Dark Below? Yeah, we’re never going to get them. Thanks for nothing, Bungie.
I did think The Dark Below did a lot to improve the Destiny experience, but that sort of Quality of Life improvements should have been there in the game game, not chopped up and served to the audience as DLC. I want that sort of game at start. I don’t want to wait 1 year to get the good stuff, and have to wait that…
“I don’t have time to explain why I don’t have time to explain.”
Can we have a coherent story? A satisfying plot? Can I have an actual, full game to play at launch? And can I not have to wait 1 year before I can get the things the PS4 got because of some stupid exclusivity deal?
Can I get one of those and a giant box of Booty-O’s as well?
It’s just a shame that pretty much none of the lore is actually in-game. Oh well, maybe they won’t screw it up in Destiny 2. One can hope.
It’s true.
See, this is the sort of stuff that makes me think a “serious” Call of Duty crossed with Pokemon would be awesome. Instead of throwing grenades, you’d throw pokeballs. If you can do it with Gundams, military shooters can’t be that difficult.
Around the end of WW2, China had a government, and then it sort of got forced out, and so they went into exile more or less. So, Taiwan is actually the Chinese government that was forced out of power and the government in China proper is the ones who did it.
Bambi’s Mom got hit hard by the nerf bat last patch.
Salt-powered killing machine ruins forest, almost goes on killing spree after something tapped the power button.
Expectations vs Reality.