
You know, I agree, I was hoping for 3 Dog, still had a good laugh or 10.

I want a Rocket Raccoon, because raccoons with big guns are AWESOME! Now I have a 'evil' faction race to play, and a 'good' faction race to play! Good times!

THQuality at it's finest. Heh. Good times. Hopefully some of these very silly bugs will get squashed by WWE '14.

Now playing

Well, first you have to state loudly that "I AM A MAN!" before you punch the window. That's the key to punching a window.

Now, I need 500 cheese wheels and a big hill....

And of course... the old joke about... "If they were naked, where did they keep the assault rifles?" And... yeah, gawd, flashbacks of anime discussions during the 90s. Gawd those were the days, when anime could be bizarre and hilarious and you just shrugged your shoulders and enjoyed the show.

Now playing

There's only one group awesome enough to be responsible for the creation of such wonderful food... The Tank Police! Now they can eat their sushi tank while driving their real tanks.

As for myself, my poor Kerbals landed somewhere in Kerbalstan near the Alkerbals and it exploded.

Me and my Roommate had a mini-space race before they added the moon. I can't remember who won, because we were trying to go as far as Kerbally possible, and by the end, the distances were so hilariously high, that we just decided to build other things instead. A Basketball was not one of those things though...

Beer Butlers! Holy smokes, if all I need to do is own an Xbox One to get beer delivered to me whenever I want, I'm sold. Just should have made the Microsoft E3 show that.

Exactly. That's why I'm looking forward to The Division when it comes out as well. I was a big fan of Rainbow Six Vegas 2, and the Division will give me that tactical 3rd person shooter while having special gear in NY, while this XCOM will give us 60s G-Men vs Aliens in a 3rd person tactical shooter setting.

I was thinking the same thing. Now I want to find a business card maker around town and make up some business cards that say some of these wonderful insults, then hand them out to at places like E3 or GDC.

I have nothing wrong with the naysaying at times, but it looks like they ACTUALLY gave the gaming community a game with more tactical elements than were present in the original E3 '10 release. And with the success of the Firaxis version of XCOM, it makes sense they use that model of gameplay to help set up their own

That's half the reason I like it now. It's the sequel to Vegas 2 I've been waiting for, but only now do I find out it's based in the 60s, and I get to shoot aliens and not terrorists. It should be quite a fun game, with what I've seen.

I refuse to hang out with the naysayers on this one. The game finally seems to understand how to put the TACTICAL back in this tactical-shooter. They used the XCOM strategy game as a framework, and worked it into a 3rd person shooter. Yes, it's similar to Mass Effect games, but I liked Mass Effect, so I'm not opposed

You know... they are under NO obligations to tell you everything about the game in the first 7 minute demo for E3. The demo is there to build buzz and interest in the game. You've gone straight past INTEREST in the game to THIS IZ THE WORST THING EVARZ!

I think the analogy would work better if you flipped that. Free car, gotta pay for gas and repairs. But still, Oh Noez! A game people want, and I have the option to get the characters I want instead of getting every single insignificant one that I will never play.

You're saying it like that WON'T be an option when the game is released? Also, this isn't that much different than what LoL does. Here, have a free game, if you want ANYTHING else, you can pay up, but we're not going to make you pay for them less you really want to. Enjoy. F2P, it's how things work now.

Go to Dunkin Donuts, order their new breakfast donut egg and cheese sandwich. You will never be fit ever again, might as well die happy.