
There are some things that I really did like about Crysis 2, and a few things I didn't. It's disappointing that Crysis 3 turns out to be a downgrade compared to the previous installment. Still, it could be worst; it could be Aliens: Colonial Marines.

I smell next week's Photoshop Challenge contest.

THQuality, everybody. It's the magic that's hilarious and horrible. Or horribly hilarious.

Someone better not tell those morons about Volpin Props:

I want the star system back, so I could give you one. You deserve it.

You'll get a kick out of this twitter from Jason Rubin of THQ, I think:

Obviously you never played Ace Combat 6. Go check what they wanted for airplanes with anime girls spray painted on them... then you can come back and complain...

Jack Thompson called from 2002, he wants his script notes back!

Now playing

Instead of looking at Video Games and Violence, we look at lunatics with guns who think that the government wants to take their guns, and threaten to shoot people if they do just that.

You pick them up like weapon drops. Same as in campaign.

Now playing

You mean I can play something other than Final Combat in China, the world's worst rip off of the world's best hat simulator?!? PS: Turn on the captions.

Those are the best games though. Skyrim, Fallout, Halo: Reach, Saints Row 3... Messing with sliders is a great obsession. FEED MY OBSESSION, VIDEO GAME MAKERS!

I knew folks who would scan in pictures of weird, spooky Joker-esque clowns for their face. It was pretty badass if you ask me. Plus you could equip different armors, different camos, and it was consistent from Single Player to Multiplayer. You always felt like you were playing the character YOU made, and that's what

I hear the number of Pokemon at that point will be in excess of 9000.

Character customization should be something standard for games. Blacklight: Retribution's armor and gun customizations, TF2's multitudes of Hats and Accessories, Halo: Reach's Nobel 6 being whatever you wanted him/her to look like, and any game where I can make myself look at least 20% cooler than the average guy.

Did you just call Saints Row a Silly Knockoff? That might be true for the first Saints Row, but the game is more true to the original GTA3/Vice City model of being over the top fun, compared to the SUPER BLAND NIKO BELIC ADVENTURE GAME of fighting your cell phone and ignoring people who want to see BEEG AMERIKAN TEE

Nice. Now you have to beat it on NORMAL, which is really slang for NINTENDO HARD. Oh, that boss, that horrible horrible boss. 3 forms, and all of them overly dangerous.

Look's like someone else was hit by Dr. Doofensmirtz's Big Sad Eye-inator

Actually, you'd be surprised how many of these you run into during the game.

Damage Control, HO!