
What's the use of playing a game with ALL the Macross settings bundled up in one, if I can't understand a single thing in it? The only thing that translates universally is...

No kidding. Once the bomb of the original ending hit, I couldn't feel tempted to keep that disk in my system.

I miss Bad Company's sense of humor. BC1 was such a refreshing take on modern shooters, and alas, nothing out there is ready to take it's place. I'm probably the only person who preferred BC1 just because of the comedic side of the game.

I can see the string and the pie plates...

It's not so bad. At least it's not Brown & Grey like every FPS out on market.

And people wonder why I hate quick-scopers. Only thing worst than them is hopping quick-scopers. I hate when games do stuff like that.

I'm not worried about the size of the game. I'm more worried that the helicopters are a horribly unfullfilling way to fight and fly around the game, that the game might be more Boring McBored Guy's Big Boring Life, that the Cellphone will bug the hell out of me in 5 seconds, or that it'll take me 2+ hours before I get

Wait, did I just hear M.U.L.E. being mentioned?

Yeah, that's pretty much how I felt about the XCOM game when it was first announced too. On the plus side, I don't care about that game anymore, when I have the new tactical strategy turn-based game coming out this month. I know who actually cared about the X-Com franchise, and it aint the one that's a shooter.

They should have just rolled the system back to the previous version, instead of updating the horrible, super-narrow splatter comment system to complete clusterfrag system.

Nah, Rush is a Demagogue, therefore he's obviously one of those Bards who doesn't play an instrument and just yells at his team that they aren't conservative enough and that this and that everything was better in his old party that had Reagan the Paladin of Jelly Beans in it.

Yeah, if you were going to freak out about aircraft crashing all the time based on video games, I'm sure watching Battlefield 3 would send folks into shock. Bad drivers, horrible pilots, helicopters flipping upside down before crashing into the ground violently.

Now playing

Mmmm. Candy. I'm gunna lick ya. Mmmm sweet candy.

Well, if you don't know what a Paladin is by Ultima 9, I'm not going to tell you. This would be like Luke Skywalker asking Yoda "What's a Jedi?".

Now playing

Nah, "What's a Paladin?" is a much better thing for this news. Because... the question is not "Can I play a Paladin?" but "What's a Paladin?"

2013? Uuuugggh. Really? We have to wait that long? I hope this means that we're going to get a nice, updated version of the game here, and not be running a good 6-months behind, otherwise I'm going to be just a bit upset.

Sorry, but I feel this basically makes scanning the site for in-depth discussion nearly impossible. Before, I could scroll down, and see "Hey, has my viewpoint been expressed in some way? If so, I'd like to comment on that point, otherwise, I would like to express my viewpoint." Now, instead, I play a game of

I say you blame Activision first, since they had CoD Elite out before the BF3 premium elite whatever it's called.