Don Bluth Presents The Seven Samurai Foxes...
Don Bluth Presents The Seven Samurai Foxes...
I am totally down for this. Someone this awesome needs to get some Kotaku interviewing.
This game has been in development for a while. A very long while. But it'll totally be worth it.
And it wouldn't Friday if I didn't get a chance to post a video... Oh Animated Clerks, it does look like a big bong.
If only 50 Cent was here. He'd take care of all those pesky helicopters.
Oh, well, that's nice to know. Screw Square-Enix.
Kingdom Hearts: D__ D__ D___. 3Ds. Oh, I see what you did there, Square-Enix.
Must have missed them. I'll have to re-re-rewatch the trailer.
Why is November so far away? I can't wait to see this movie. MUST. SEE!
Yeah, I pretty much thought the same thing.
Oh Animated Steven Colbert, you make all news articles better by adding the right amount of silliness and random stuff.
I'm sorry, I was talking about 3D TVs that I could use across the room, like 36+ inchs, not a 24" display. Also, when I type into Google "Sony 3D TV", and the shopping section is full of Sony TVs and the cheapest is 3D, it doesn't bode well.
Anyone can disguise themselves as Heavy. Disguise yourself as something no one will expect... a furry.
There can only be 1 winner....
300 bucks? No. So far, the best price I've seen for the SMALLEST 3D TV they have is 900 bucks on sale... 1500 bucks normal. And all the other TVs I've seen from them are that much, or more.
There's a difference between making it work, and making it easy enough for everyone to get. The tech's there, it's just no one uses it. Like that 3D function in Killzone 3. Oh, it's there, but doesn't mean you have any of the stuff to actually use it in 99.5% of households.
Sony! You broke a few pinkie promises!
Team Rocket has teamed up with Umbrella Corp to make the R-Virus, and now your friendly Pokemon must help keep those zombies off the PokeCenter's lawn.