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I love Xenogears a ton. And the best thing about it, it proves how manly you can be. Anyone can pilot a sub through water or sand, but it takes a REAL man to FLY a sub. And then to take your flying sub and drop it on the badguy. Best cutscene ever. Manliness begins at 1:45!

Oh Ivan Ooze, you personally made me love the fact that the Power Rangers zords have a button SPECIFICALLY for having the giant robot KNEE SOMEONE IN THE GROIN.

Hehe, good idea.

3:16 NOOO! Not Ensign WILHELM!

Actually we do know what state the development team is in. Luke Plunkett covers this in a post about... 5 or 6 threads above, but needless to say, it already forced 1 whole chunk of a 2K studio to get "The Boot".

I think at this point, 2K Marin would be better off to stop digging the grave they're digging and use some of those resources for something new and fresh. If they wanna make a game with all the elements of X-Com, that's fine, but I'm going to call "BETRAYAL" when they think they can slap a name on it and say "It's

Well, to me, Treyarch was always "that company that makes horrible games to better game series". Mostly Call of Duty. 3 was especially horrible, and World At War, uhhh... but they've really redeemed themselves when they made Black Ops. They took the franchise in a new, and VERY compelling direction.

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Spoony is someone I trust on this one. 2 years ago, the game was bad, and basically took the XCOM Franchise behind the woodshed and had it's way with it, or tried to. 2K Marin has NO SKILL when it comes to working with franchises other than stuff they get handed by someone else, and even then, the game's going to be

Because it's a horrible game that's trying to use the coattails of a deeply beloved game franchise to try to sell it's crappy FPS shooter. The last time 2K Marin got their hands on something I liked, they made Bioshock 2. So yeah, screw them. The REAL X-COM game comes out this October, and is a proper STRATEGY game.

You say that like they were just trying to make some cheap-ass game with a franchise that "no one" would remember, and they got caught with their pants down.... Me, I'm all for them being in shambles. 2K Marin is the new Treyarch.

ZING! That stinging sensation is the sharp blade of truth.

Just can this game already, so we can make way for the REAL X-Com game that's coming out in October.

Go play Bioshock 2, and you'll understand how what you just asked for could be a total letdown.

The new strategy X-COM game instead, which comes out October 9th. WOOHOO!

Hmm, game comes out 12 days before my birthday... I wonder if I can take 2 weeks of paid-vacation from work. I don't need money, just alien killing strategy.

"Lots of carbon scoring here. You've both seen a lot of action."

Right now I'm trying to figure out if this would be a bigger character-assassination of Samus and Fox than Other M was. It just sounds... wrong. It's one thing to have them in Smash Brothers... but... this?

Move over, I need to get mine too. Oy vey. Damn you and you're awesome Collectors Edition!

Yeah, well, it isn't working right now either.... the game that is. I'm sure the DRM is working just fine.