
I feel bad for the folks who want to play the game all single-playerish. You would think they'd have made an option where you could play the game, by making an offline-only character-account. I mean... it would have been better than the fact this always happens with Blizzard and their launches, where their servers get

I suppose that IS one way to make sure the planes are absolutely clean. Someone should have told them the A-10 is dry-clean only though. Otherwise it gets all wrinkley.

Angry Joe & Spoony! I love that video.

You can do that. It's F2P. And the story missions are all pretty fun. And the PvE Strike Force Missions are super awesome. It's just not PvP. And frankly, PvE is more fun in Star Trek Online anyways.

Now playing

Me, I'm playing some Blacklight: Retribution this weekend, and probably a bit of TF2 when I want a change of FPS scenes.

What? No Ace Combat 6? That game was dropping DLC at huge prices for years.... Surely it could have beat the One Piece game...

So, when confronting Eldritch Horrors from the Deep, the best form of defense is to drive the unspeakable horrors insane with your reckless nudity, before they drive you insane.

Ferrets are dangerous... they'll bite your knees or something. Hmm. May I see your knees? No reason. ^_^

Nah, Bo just ran over the concept of sound on the way to level 1-2.

Me, I plan to watch this in IMAX 3D. Got my cool hightech glasses and everything. Mmm this will be delicious.

Right now, no, it's only Multiplayer, all the standard gametypes. The original Blacklight had a singleplayer mode, but the multiplayer was just so much better. Feel free to try it out.

Ah, they've release Tribes finally? Or is it still in Beta? Either way, Blacklight is really fun. Also, first game where I can go onto the forums and actually talk with a game dev.

Now playing

So, who's playing Blacklight: Retribution?

Wait till Corpman Phillips walks into the helicopter control center and says loudly "Helicopter, Launch Predator Missile" and then "Autosave". Maybe that's how Black Ops 2 starts...

So, now to find out how well the GPU runs in SLi mode. Seriously, a grand for 1 video card? I remember when I spend 100 bucks on a 54k kflex modem... in the 90s. But a GRAND?!? Hell no.

I guess I can take Sessler's Soapbox off my Podcast list, then.

I knew about the training video since The Spoony One "reviewed" it, and by review, I mean he MST3K'd the heck out of it.

That's like being the fastest runner in a race with a quadrupedal amputee. That shouldn't be something you're proud of.

Now playing

Everyone is a spy! Unless it's a demoman who wants to hit me in the face with a stick grenade. Needless to say, I think I'd have preferred if he had been a spy.