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Indoctrination Theory is just this generation's "Squall died on disk 1 when he got stabbed through the chest with a giant icicle, everything else is just a horrible dying dream".

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Or the universe is actually inside a marble being used by aliens in a game of marbles.

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At least there were no Ill-Tempered Sea Bass involved.

No, that was just Lethal Weapon 2, in Mass Effect.

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I should be allowed to fix the ending of the game. I'd do so much better than Bioware at this point, by having Blasto show up and help Shepard kick the Reapers off Earth, even if it broke every rule in the book.

Nah, they promised us no A, B, or C ending, and we got that anyways. This is just saying "Hey, we're going to clarify some of the stuff that happened in the ending, like what the hell was up with Joker and your team" and nothing more.

Well, Blacklight:Retribution went official Live yesterday. Who's playing?

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Well, Ponies and TF2 do seem to go together pretty well. Now all I need is to get them to put a MLP Hat into the game.

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Hey, as long as they realize that the way they ended it was complete CRAP, I'm okay with that. Also, is it bad I find the ending of a MLP episode better than the ending of ME3? Eh, doesn't matter, it's time for a PARTY! WOO! WE'RE GETTING REAL CLOSURE FINALLY WOOO!

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My Little Pony is SUPER MANLY! Which is weird that I consider pink pastel ponies to be manly and awesome and yet the Bay Transformers movies to be super horrible. Ponies good, robots bad.

As much as I disagree with the use of uncivilized language, in this instance, I'm totally with you on it.

Eh, I think Activision were the "Badguys of the Year" a year or two ago, but Capcom and EA are really doing a number to try to "win" that title back from them.

There's also a Farscape in ME1, but I don't go around assuming I'm going to run into a Leviathan ship anytime during the ME trilogy.

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I liked this review someone in China had of the game, and his perspective on it vs. Team Fortress 2. Just make sure you have CC turned on if you can't understand Chinese.

It's more survival than say... uh... FEAR, where you face horror... while stomping around with giant backpacks full of guns and rocket launchers.

Yeah, because you know... no one cares for survival horror in America. I mean, beside Valve. Those guys love them some Left 4 Deads. Hell, they made 2 L4Ds and not a single Half Life 3 yet. That's just... crazy!

Ah, I'm mostly about minigames being just... less obtrusive than "Enjoy this half-baked sports franchise simulator" mini-games. They should be short, and fun. I heard the ones in the second No More Heroes game had minigames inbetween missions, that were old retro-style games. I could deal with that, because it doesn't

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I don't mind some minigames, but I found Chocobo Racing to be infinitely quicker overall to get through than Blitzball, if you were going after the ultra-rare rewards. And don't get me started on the lightning strike dodging minigame. 200 misses... it took me 1 hour to do that, to get it done, after I wasted how many

Let me guess, you also liked drawing magic from enemies as well.