Oooh, a new Square Enix game about crystals?! Just like.... all the other games they've made that have had the exact same plot device?
Oooh, a new Square Enix game about crystals?! Just like.... all the other games they've made that have had the exact same plot device?
I tend to fall back to great endings throughout filmography when trying to decide how I'd prefer ME3 to end. Instead of the 2001: A Space Odyssey, I think Dr. Strangelove might be a better choice, with Shepard on the back of the Crucible, waving a cowboy hat.
This seems like an appropriate time to post Jackie Chan dressed up as Street Fighter characters...
As compared to AC4's super crack speed mechs...
Go forth and just be glad there are no "double-doubles", although some of the ultimate weapons are still retardedly OP, but hey, it's still awesome.
ACV is like someone gave Chromehounds an injection of pure Redbull in the rear, and that's a VERY good thing. It's very much a game where you play it WITH folks, because getting 4 guys wailing away at the enemy is awesome.
How damn they be so stupid and successful! Just like Michael Bay!
Oh come on, artists and movie directors change the endings to stuff all the time, because their original ending wasn't satisfactory in "testing with potential audiences".
Ah, heavy drinking, the cause of much hilarity and geniusness. And if you say "geniusness" isn't a word, you aren't drunk enough yet. More booze!
Yeah, I had pretty much the same reaction. Heh.
Do to international copyright law, it isn't Godzilla.
Lies and slander... The Clone Wars adventures aren't canon. Nah-nah-nah-nah-not listening. Nah-nah-naaaaah!
Can I have that duster & hat combo from the TOR trailer? If so, then woohoo, space cowboys are canon!
Alas, everyone thought we needed to get our stuff as high as possible for the "best" ending, when all you really get is the "same" ending.
And they had a comic the week before last too... MADNESS! VG Cats Updating?! THE END IS NIGH! SOMEONE CALL SHEPARD! No, wait, I want a better ending than that...
I'd totally be down for a comedy ending to Mass Effect 3, if just to get the horrible taste of the ACTUAL 3 endings out of my mouth.
And M. Night said it best...
Hey, it's not his fault that folks like EA and Bioware ruin one of the best game series for the last 5 years in the last 2 minutes of the ultimate culmination of a franchise. That would have gotten Stalin up in arms as well.
I hope EA and Bioware are happy, even Hitler is disappointed with the endings in how they play out.