
Paul @OceanStratagy

That might be true, but the man was practically begging for someone to call his bluff. The customer, bless his heart, went to PA and said "Please tell me this guy doesn't have a booth at PAX" to which they were sympathetic too. And Douche decided to go "I'M THE KING OF BOSTON" and got slapped down hard.

Oh, I'm not harassing him. I'm enjoying the post-fireworks explosions that are still going off. But, hey, this isn't something you can just hit the breaks on either. People are going to do what they do. I can't stop you from doing anything any more than I can stop anyone else from doing or not doing something.

Well, he asked for it.

Uh, no.

I have seen glorious hilarity, and it is the Ocean Marketing emails, as done in a Dramatic Reading.

You mean like how Jack Thompson was going to get them arrested? How'd that end again?

Oh Gabe, lookin' like the Grinch who stole Christmas with that smile.

And folks wonder why I have such a low opinion of marketers. Note, the ones who can actually type and speak coherently are only slightly less insulting to hang around.

Ah, so it is. Its hilarious how it's hard to tell who's fake and who's real nowadays. I guess I should have realized he spelled "strategy" wrong, but, not like the with "two a's" way but with the "e & a" swapped way.

Paul @oceanstretagy

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This is pure comedic GOLD. Excuse me while I sing along with Trololo Guy in response to Ocean's tweets.

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This Ocean Strategy guy is burning in his own personal hell, and he did it to himself. Now excuse me, it's time to sing. We don't need no water let the mother ****er burn! Burn mother ****er, burn!

Kotaku's really gone above and beyond the call of investigative reporting.

Considering Oregon Trail came out... in the early 80s... yeah, let's just say that video games weren't written by geniuses.

Penny Arcade's site gets "wanged". This is sort of ironic, since it's usually the other way around, with the waves of crushing internet traffic.

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Sorry, that was sort of funny, but Mega64's best video will always be Oregon Trail.

The only reason I think it should be GotY is because there was September, October, Skyrim, and December. I honestly can't remember what happened inbetween October and December except Skyrim, and I think there might have been something in there about slaying giant fire-breathing turkeys. That last one was sort of fuzzy.

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My entire knowledge of "é, è, ê, and ë" come from a quaint British film...