
You do realize bullets can go all the way through somebody right?

Why does this need to be private? I wish that I had known that it was so common when I miscarried, saying that we should wait or that it’s private or shouldn’t be talked about it why so many people end up blindsided when it happens.

maintaining that degree of separation from the world is a luxury.

And with zero marketable skills they’ll get the fun experience of starting at the bottom and making minimum wage, all while having to interact with outside people who hold different (read: frighteningly heathen) points of view and values than they do.

Can we send them bootstraps?

yeah and like, if men are soooo bad at reading social clues as they claim, then logically they shouldn’t be allowed to work jobs which rely on interpreting social clues, like oh I don’t know, police officers, therapists, etc.

If you equate valor and medals with military duty, then the Brits actually do serve in the military. Charles and his brother Andrew served for several years, and William and Harry have both served for several years as well. In fact, Andrew and Harry both served in active war zones (Falklands and Afghanistan,

I love Korean day spas! I go with my friends too. There is nothing like being naked together to realize that bodies are just bodies. All the body shame/obsession is silly. You start realizing that we all come in different sizes and shapes. There is nothing inherently sexual about bodies. It stops being strange really

Seriously? I am going to make a big assumption, but anyone who knows a hitman probably doesn’t come from a very good upbringing either. And I’ve said it before upthread: abuse does not end at adulthood. Filial piety is a very important thing in Asian culture. If you haven’t lived it, you have no right to tell her to

This is an interesting study to report on, but the tone of this article (namely, presenting it as advice) is very MRA/PUA. Like, we’re supposed to start ostensibly platonic friendships with people under the expectation that they owe us sex and we will eventually ensnare them into a relationship? Because that’s what

This guy only has three kids. There is almost zero chance he and his wife are following the teachings of the faith he is using as a sledge hammer to try to destroy the ACA.

Yeah, I’m still trying to wrap my brain around how “you’re making money off this horrible, life-wrecking thing that happened to you” is a criticism.

Also, can you imagine her hospital, doctor, and therapy bills?

Fucking yup. If some maniac attempts to beat me to death, damn right I can tell my story for money if I so choose. Fuck this whining woman beater.

I’m not going to begrudge anyone who survived a brutal attack the right to make money from that. She’s profiting from telling her story? I’m cool with that.

THIS RIGHT HERE is why officers need de-escalation training.

You do realize the President of the U.S. has basically zero power over state and local police forces, right?

I think the fact that his wife’s request to be nonmonogamous caused him to think critically about her choices and empowerment and desires makes him a feminist (to me, that’s what the article was about, his thought process and integration of feminist ideals in working through this issue). If trying to support a woman’s

And that’s fine. You don’t have to understand feminism through that path. But he did. And that’s ok.

Re: the Cunts. For a while, my parents loved to tell the story of how my dad loved to tell me to ask any given waiter for a fork and spoon when I was a toddler. I couldn’t pronounce fork and spoon correctly, because I was like 2, and apparently I would politely request a “fuckin’ poon,” and my dad thought it was