
Excellent point that very seldom gets taught. My job revolves around a LOT of asking questions. However, when I join a new team, and particularly when I’m in meetings where a lot of people are speaking over each other at the beginning trying to make themselves heard, I sit back and take a lot of notes. I make sure

If you know you’re right? If you know you’ve done the work? It’s always better to beg for forgiveness than ask for permission. Although I’ve never had to go so far as beg. As a woman in tech I learned fast and early to do the research, make the decision and stand by my convictions. When I get questioned now by execs I

That has worked for me so much. I gamed the system and came out so fucking far ahead without compromising my principles or snatching the ladder up from other POC (WOC, specifically). “But Ms. Truther, the game is rigged against us, why even play it at all?”

So good. I’m kind of transitioning in my life and the more assertive I’ve been and the less I’ve asked for permission, the happier I’ve been. I still get the initial urge to ask for permission or doubt myself, but in general the times I’ve overcome those thoughts have worked out for me. But I’m definitely worried a

Your family sounds awful. :(

Your family is a big ole bag of dicks.

Maybe we as a society should stop upholding marriage as the absolute thing you must do or you are worthless slime. People would probably not marry out of desperation to be coupled with someone, ANYONE, if that were the case.

Right??? I do not understand the rabid defense of the mother in the situation because every single article from the local press has mentioned that the children’s advocates are not siding with the mother and have raised some very, very serious concerns about the children’s mental well-being.

Fiona Staples? I'll take seven.

The good news is that he’s polling so high that Fox News can’t not have Trump there for the debates—which could spell disaster for the rest of the participants.

I want to hear the rest of the much did we save not enforcing pot laws, encarceration, court costs, etc...I’m guessing the 62 million might be on the low side.

My young ass got shingles. It was agony! And in my case I only had a few shingles dots and not the full-blown rash.

Every day I’m forced to add new names to the list of people who piss me off.

I know this is first and foremost a public health threat but I wish more attention was paid to the fact that buying into the autism-connection myth demonstrates a profound hatred of autistic people. It’s one thing to say, no, that’s bullshit, but people who spread it should also be confronted with the fact that they

For anyone here who says vaccines are dangerous - the method used to produce vaccines has been studied for over 200, close to 300 years. Cars have been around for less. Microwave ovens have been around for less. VACCINES HAVE BEEN AROUND LONGER THAN HANDWASHING AS A MEDICAL PRACTICE.

I’m Kate Dries and I approve this message.

because few judges have had to assign child support to two men in a case of a mother with twins

This is where I am. You hit a certain age/level of self awareness and you realize “I’m pretty good at some stuff, I’m vaguely competent at most stuff, I’m laughably bad at a few stuffs. Like it’s GD hilarious how bad I am.” Once you embrace the general idea of “I’m just going to be over here doing me”, I feel like you

I’m crying. This hits home, so hard. Sending to my husband, because right now, he needs to get inside my head. Thank you for writing this. <3

Very true. Would love to see Gunnerkrigg Court as part of more longer form animated series.