
I work security, and normally am pretty chill (literally - if it’s not on fire or arterial bleeding, there’s no need to panic). This happened in our local mall. We had a medical event in a second floor store, patient dropped unconscious, not breathing. Our main elevators were broken, so we brought the paramedics in

I noticed that a lot of their clothes suddenly became housebrand or “modclothx _” collaborations, stead of actually selling clothes they’d imported from Europe or other brands (less Lindybop, Collectif, etc.) . The stuff that didn’t get switched to house brand were things that already were made in asia, like Fervour

Yup, they had a really good explanation of it. I also have seen them used in person, and seen the prongs slide right off someone who was having a massive manic/excited delirium episode - not sure exactly what caused it, but they were running in traffic naked, trying to stab themselves - due to the amount of sweat

Gob_Hobblin provided a very good answer, and I’d like to add some corroborating details. I’m in security, but work closely with local law enforcement.

English mostly. My college best friend was in his classes, and she hated him and said he was a creep. But she turned out to be a paranoid nutjob herself, so I have no idea.

I would say read this: or get your daughter to read it and take the appropriate measurements, then go online and order? Hope this helps.

I hated them at first, and some ladies never escape the hating, so it’s not abnormal that she’s not thrilled to wear them - a couple of my friends still just strip them off the minute they get home. I just happen to be really active - martial arts and LE training, so basically I can’t avoid them even if I wanted to.

Yeah, it sucked. I think it’s fine to have restrictions on younger girls if they don’t have the skills to cope with what sort of attention might come from wearing something. As for the shirtless in the house, good for you. My dad and my brother would sit around in their boxers, but get mad at me and my sister if we

As someone who also developed early (and I was raised by a single father), the most helpful thing he could have told me (he didn’t - he was very sexist and ADD as fuck), was that I’m great the way I am and people who comment on my body can go fuck themselves and their opinions. Even if I didn’t believe him, it would

I was just in Japan for a stretch and Japan doesn’t respect its OWN laws a lot of the time.

I did. The company was rotten to the core. I brought text messages that one of the other guards had sent me about what he wanted me to do to his “big black cock” and showed them to the head of HR.

Hahahahha, how I wanted to do that SO BADLY.

But (relative) professionalism prevailed and told him had no idea what he was talking about and walked out.

Then this douchebag of a coworker tries to get me framed for harassment instead and manipulated a bunch of other people into backing him up.

How I wish I had the

I don’t work in STEM, but I work in another male dominated field (security) and this shit is just everywhere. I don’t expect security guards to be enlightened, but it’s the same sort of thing.

Husband and I are open/poly. Not because we have incompatible sex drives, but because I find I’m innately that way and always have been, so I figured instead of trying to make monogamous work and being miserable, I would be upfront from the start that I would always be non-monogamous. (so I’m coming from a slightly

Indeed. It is the name of a particularly stupid cockatoo that I care for, so I think it is deliciously ironic.

Being at a comedy venue doesn’t mean people get exempted from violating other’s personal space. So trollicious, she has every right to be offended.

I would say do it anyways. So many women never get told that their opinions are worth hearing or that they may have something to contribute.

Yes. At least on three occasions. One of those occasions resulted in my being thrown across a table.

Yes, if the US had a single payer health system, a helpful, supportive set a programs for individuals transitioning and more money for mental health programs, yes, those would be several of the 1001 reasons.

At the moment though, those don’t exactly exist.

Now playing

This situation was tragic, and I am really sad about it, but I really had to point this out:

Adam and Jamie are old and slow, so the “knife-kill” distance is 16 ft. But I’ve seen scenarios with a younger and faster knife wielder. 25 ft wasn’t enough distance for the officer to safely react.