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This situation makes me really sad, because it sounded like this guy was so close to this goal.

Most former cops who are convicted of crimes and actually imprisoned (a lot are kept under house arrest instead) are kept in isolation, because they will be killed otherwise.

That’s actually a perfect description of how it is.

I try to do this, but I’m so used to weaving through crowds efficiently (I used to do security at one of the largest malls in the country... mad crowds that had to be negotiated quickly ) that I forget that I don’t need to side step, weave and twirl around people. The only exception is when I was hauling the oxygen

We had to do that a lot when I was working security in a big mall. We had to repeatedly remind various store managers and employees that we weren’t going to remove some first nation’s or some black person from their store, just because they “thought” something was going on. Then they’d whine to mall management that we

Yet she’d never pay for medical care to support other vets.... :/

It also comes from the fact that a lot of women are told from an early age that they have to pair off to be “worth” something, that if they “want it” from the start, then they’re whores, and that they have to be nice and accommodating and considerate of what people feel.

From reading that big thread about emotional labour further up, basically most ladies concluded it was a combination of men being socialized from an early age not to consider other people’s points of view or needs and the ease of being able to manipulating others into doing work for them . So you have to get ‘em young

Or even Edward I and Eleanor!

Yup, that’s exactly what I’m saying.

So we agree that if the officer is found to have prematurely discharged his weapon without LaGrier being combative, he needs to be charged? If he is found to have done so, then I COMPLETELY SUPPORT persecuting him.

Oh god, that’d be the best ending to an extra absorbent clot filled day for sure!

Don’t feel lame. :) It’s totally legit to be into booze and colouring books!

I’ll admit that I am boring enough to consider having this for a bachelorette party and thought it would be a good time. :P I didn’t end up having one though and husband didn’t bother with a stag. Instead, we went kayaking together with my sister (who was my only bridesmaid) and two friends from out of town the day

I live in a country that has strict gun laws and I’ve gone on lots of ridealongs in the states, where the opposite is true. There is a huge difference in how officers from both countries evaluate threats and the speed at which things get escalated. Part of that is from lax training but a large part is the fear of

Tasers are not reliable tools. They are not predictable and they can’t be used from a distance of more than 10 feet.

I think that is very likely.

It has never been safer for officer, but I mean it in a broader sense.Not in that officers are getting shot at every day, but living with the possibility ANYONE could have a handgun influences their tactics to a huge degree, compared to Canada and the UK.

Perhaps I should have used the word “known” someone who has been killed. I was thinking of an officer I spoke to who witnessed his colleague shot in the face in March and that coloured my language. Apologies.

And I absolutely agree that the tactics you outlined are the best way to do things. (though the Met and several UK police forces do have armed response units for active shooters) That’s how cops are trained in Canada too, which is where I live, and I will advocate for those methods until I die.

I’m just outlining the