
What the actual fuck is wrong with people?


exactly, where are people getting minimalism from? she never says to get rid of stuff unless that stuff is in the way of you being happy and productive. This is racist as hell, she literally tells people to cherish their beloved junk but we’re gonna talk over the little foreign lady and say she wants us to go full

She knows we can’t afford that shit. Minimalism achieved!

That is exactly what her website says, and what she herself says constantly. But the author of this post had a point to make, so why bother with details?

This is a really, really cynical article that also misrepresents what Marie Kondo said. She didn’t tell people to get rid of everything, or even most things. She doesn’t want everyone to have a minimalist life with only a handful of possessions. She just wants people to be mindful or whether or they ACTUALLY want

Mari Kondo has built an empire convincing people that they could be happier if they just get rid of nearly everything in their homes by emotionally recognizing the value of the item, thanking it, and letting it go on to some other life.

Under the guidance of the KonMari method, I and thousands of others submitted to the belief that happiness and a sense of mental clarity can be attained by having less and keeping only the items that “spark joy.”

“Nelson, who is now a graduate student in linguistics studying online harassment”

“Georgulas learned after the marriage that Younger had been married twice before (she was only aware of one previous marriage) and that he had lied to her about a host of things, including his military experience, his income, and his job experience. Younger, who claimed to have served for years in the Marines,

Guyger confirmed she had intended to kill Jean

Even for people who have been out and proud for many years and have a fairly supportive family (like me) having my family watch Queer Eye and see the many facets of sexuality and personality and queerness and openness has really changed their views for the better.

You’re probably right, but they can also do a two minute Google search to confirm they can’t get the virus from someone doing their hair.

I feel like even many Canadians don’t get this. Granted I’m in AB but people here talk about Trudeau like he’s the president of Canada, and not the leader of a party. (I do wish someone else was the leader of that party)

Haven’t we learned from the 2016 election? I understand you Americans are slow learners, but don’t fuck things up for Canada.

Did Trudeau fuck up royally? He sure as hell did! What did he do about that? He apologised and owned up to his mistakes. He didn’t defer blame. He recognised he was in the wrong and said he will

100%! I laughed loud at that too.

Yeah, vote for a third party who won’t win, split the progressive vote in your district, and be represented by a Conservative. You don’t directly elect your PM either right?

Obviously this is really inappropriate and he shouldn’t have done it, but saying you’ve “always been more enthusiastic about costumes than is sometimes appropriate” is hilarious.

Honestly, with this and the other scandals plaguing Trudeau, I getting really disheartened with him. But the fact is, I’m going to hold my nose really tight and vote for him. Why? Well, the most important reason is to stop the Conservative party from getting back into power. After 9 years of Stephen Harper, I’m sick