
I had to deal with some of these fuckers when they came to my campus on Wednesday, showing off pictures of dead fetuses. They screamed at me, and came uncomfortably close. They also told me my parent's interracial and interfaith marriage was going to go to hell. And that I dishonored them for being gay. So I made a

So here's a bit of anecdotal evidence of Russia's idiocy from my recent trip to Belgrade, where I stumbled upon a bunch of Russian tourists and we got chatting. I was walking in the park with my newborn and was approached by a couple who had strayed from their group and also had a little baby with them. Straight away

I have totally experienced that mental block of trying to pee when you are not near a bathroom. The first time was in the ocean... I just could NOT pee no matter how badly I needed to go

My brother and I traveled together in Europe. We had 1st class Europasses because we had saved ages and our parents helped us out. In Germany, on our way to Italy, we were sitting in an otherwise empty car when an employee boarded. She was incensed that were were there and tried to kick us off saying we didn't belong

My friends and I were about to fly from Vietnam to Thailand to stay at another friend's Bangkok flat while she was visiting her parents. We got her a nice present for letting us crash, but then we also found THE MOST HELLISH PRESENT IN THE WORLD. It was a ball of multicoloured fake fur around the size of a basketball,

Apologies in advance for the length, but I went on a month-long trip with the Worst Woman In The World, and it takes some time to relate. The trip in question an around-the-world backpacking extravaganza with some grad school friends to celebrate our graduation before settling down to real life. Three of the women

This isn't insane, but still one of my fondest travel memories.

I traveled with my grandmother quite a bit as a child. This was a woman who emigrated from Denmark to the US because it was too liberal. Here are some of the amazing adventures my tactless, racist grandmother got us into:

INSANE BAD: I went to college far from home, so it required quite a bit of air travel. Once while trying to get back to college from winter break, my flight was cancelled at one of my layover stops. Shit happens, whatever. But it was in the mid-morning, so not the worst. I hunkered down at my new gate, which was in

Incredible! I'd love to see orcas. My parents were always anti-Seaworld (ahead of the curve in that respect!) so I've never seen one, but they're on the bucket list!

That is hilarious! You should write Ramada with that story and do a commercial ;)

Oooh, once I was kayaking in the Puget Sound and a whole pod of orcas cruised right up to us. The size of those sea critters can be super impressive.

By the time I was 6, I had two little sisters. We went on our first family vacation that year, and (now that I know what kind of hell it is to share a hotel room with children) my parents weren't exactly relaxing. By the end of the trip, their plan was to load up the car while we were all still asleep (when you're

omf I hope someone told them you were Jewish after you left.

I once accidentally dived with a Great White off the coast of Indonesia (no cage, obviously. We were looking for manta rays. Which we also saw, but they were rather overshadowed). Apparently it was the first recorded sighting of one in the region. Our guide was very excited.

A few years back I had to fly on a tiny CRJ-200 regional jet from Charlotte NC back to school in Alabama. 50 seats in a two-by-two config...everyone is crammed in there. There were 48 people on my flight and I was one of the lucky two to have nobody sitting in the aisle next to me. At the last second they brought a

This is actually Mr. BallofStess' insane travel story, but its so good I have to share! When he was 16, his family went to Greece for a summer vacation. One afternoon, on the island of Crete, he, his mom, and his dad rented a car and drove to a local beach for the day. As it got to be dinner time, they packed up and

I was traveling through Ireland with a high school group over Spring Break and one evening we all split up in order to do a home stay with some Irish students our age. I'm at the dinner table with the young man's family, who had kindly welcomed me into their home, and the father asked me if I was excited for Easter.

instead of talking about how fucked up this is in so many ways, or about the prevalence of plastic surgery in sk, i will talk about something more important, like how my new life goal is to have this sentence be written again, sometime in the future, about me: