
So I take it that these street trolls are able to tell, just by looking, which visitors to the abortion women's health clinics are totally and for sure there for abortions, and which are there for:

Can you imagine if the resources (time, effort, probably at least a little bit of money) spent on this ridiculousness was put to use elsewhere? Education, research, fundraising, food banks; these people would actually be contributing to society and as a bonus I wouldn't feel the overwhelming urge to replace their

May I share one of my 3 Latin jokes?

On a totally unrelated topic, Barack is how you spell peach in Hungarian and my family still living there can't get over how cute it is.

My only question here is how do Icelandic newspapers and news agencies declinate names that don't fit into Icelandic grammar? I can't imagine censorship of Harriet the Spy or Barack Obama because of grammatical inconsistency. If someone could clear this up for me, that would be great?

Yes, anyone who's flown international knows this.

anyone who has ever crossed an international border through customs?

*sits back in her chair, gobsmacked* What? WHAT? I can't... are they seriously... WHAT?

Not essential items? I say for 1 month all women boycott menstral products. We don't wear 'em. We leave pools of blood on subway seats, clots on the seats in restaurants, and splotches on the benches in malls and parks. Yup we walk around with big red stains on our clothes, we bike around with blood trickling down

Men have no idea what tampons and pads cost and how deeply essential they are. There's a huge stigma about menstruation that makes a dude buying tampons for his usually overly emotional girlfriend into a tired TV comedy show trope. Women in poor countries either have nothing to bleed into it (and lose jobs and school

Starts video with Perseid Meteor Shower reference to appear intelligent. Immediately refers to meteors as stars. ::Facepalm::

Having your family 3,000 miles away, a 3 hour time difference and a 6 hour plane ride—I can see why he made that decision.

I was once the "other woman" and when I discovered that his ex-girlfriend was not so much "ex" as "girlfriend", I totally phoned her up and told her. She threw him out of their shared apartment. And then I went and talked to his boss (another division in our company that was subcontracted) and his boss fired him. So

I actually agree. My only qualm is when people order things well done, then complain about the texture. You want your filet well done? Idgaf. You scream at me that it's too tough/chewy? No.

He's free to order his steak how he likes it. We're free to make fun of him for it.

I am in sales, and I have male buyers trying to pull fast ones on me. All. The. Time. I put on my big girl panties and call them out on it. Immediately. It's the grade school bully thing all over again. Punching a six yr old boy worked then, and the verbal equivalent works now.

Can you be my sister too?

OK. This is long and full of petty plans and revenge, and posted with my sisters permission. There are a few things to note here to help with the story. 1. My sister is Bi-polar. This means sometimes she can get paranoid and act irrationally. 2. She's no angel and greatly contributed to a toxic marriage, so she takes

I had just moved back to another country after graduating (the same place I had studied abroad the year before and subsequently met and started dating Bunhead). The first phase of our relationship was great, and I had no reason to think that he was a totally insane asshole who had a compulsion to cheat.

"Wow, I forgot how big you were."...? What kind of fucking douchebag thing is that to say to someone you're about to have sex with?