
Best title for a Highlands romance in the kindle store right now: Rogue With a Brogue. How can you not love a story with a name like that?

I think they win over Vikings and Visigoths, for example, because the Scottish were also historically the underdog. Vikings were amazing sailors, but they also traveled to raid - that may weigh on the conscience for some to embrace the sexy virility factor. Whereas the Scotts just wanted/want England to leave them

This could be why...

Thanks, reading this makes for a whole new ache in my heart this show was cancelled.

I am a physician... at work... sitting in the ICU with sick patients to the left and right of me and I made it all the way through almost 1300+ posts while dictating notes until I came across this one and cracked the eff up in front of the unit secretaries. The imagery, from the visuals to the auditory to the

I met this guy at a bar, and after several beers, we walked to his place. We proceed to get freaky, and he keeps saying, "oh, buddy, that's great. Oh, buddy, you're amazing. Ohhhhhh, buddy just hold on we're almost there."

Nah, I was just way out of his league. I gave him a perfectly good chance and he was boring, only trading on his good looks and not actually applying any skill. I reserve the right to toss anyone out of my bed at any time. Causing a collision between multiple pieces of my furniture is immediate grounds for being told

Our dog is a huge creeper too. After her cold, wet nose touched my boyfriend's ass one night, he banished her from the bedroom. The creepy part is, now as soon as we start fooling around Bella stands up on the foot of the bed, sighs loudly, and plods off to the living room. THE SECOND we're finished, we can hear her

I had a parrot who who help out in the noise department during sex.

Ramen Noodle Truck Stop man was (as I mentioned) another blind date set up by my mom. My mom who neglected to mention he was a truck driver (a noble profession, and I'm not saying I wouldn't date a truck driver), and he neglected to mention it when he called and invited me over to his place. The time he gave in the

I KNOW he felt it on his balls.

Paul and I are still besties. I was his best person at his wedding several years ago!

I'm imagining Dopey hiccuping bubbles.

One time when my ex was going down on me, I farted. Understand that when I say "I farted," it's an understatement akin to describing the Arctic Circle as "a place where you should probably bring a jacket." Mine was not some demure, coquettish poot, but a nuclear apocalypse trumpet that heralded the arrival of the four

I think this deserves to win this week because it is the perfect illustration of how awkward teenagers are, especially with all things related to sex. You just know in his mind he had the angel on one shoulder saying, "This is awkward, stop doing this," and the devil on the other saying, "Yeah! Keep switching

And flame face. Flame face took me to a nice restaurant to show off his nice expense account. He was a blind date set up by my mother, who is also responsible for Fat Elvis and Ramen Noodle Truck Stop Man. Anyway, he had a lot of product in his hair. A lot. And he somehow managed to catch his paper menu on fire via a

I was dating this guy, and I was attracted to him on an intellectual level because he was so creative, but the physical attraction wasn't very high. He was kind of an awkward lover - if we switched from me on top to him on top, instead of rolling over, he'd stand up on the bed while I laid down. And not only would he

My cats have interrupted sex for me. I lock them out when my boyfriend and I are having sexy times because they really like to watch and I hate their judgmental eyes.

Sigh. The first time I attempted anal he assumed liquid dial would work just as well as lube. *SPOILER ALERT*