
Okay... after clicking that link I'm slightly terrified AND irritated.

Well, University of Most-of-the-Kids-are-Great-but-some-are-Book-Smart-but-Life-Idiots. It's a bitch to abbreviate. The vast majority of these things are said by one or two kids who are promptly smacked down by the other awesome kids. And, you know, they're 18. They're learning. You can tell that they have zero

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Yes, I am going to post the "Fuck it All" video again.

Hey man, I gave away some free milk and my future husband bought that cow in record time.

A few years ago I was on a flight from Chicago back home. I sat on the aisle of a 3 seat row and next to me were two women in their 70s. You could tell they'd known each other forever and were the kind of women I think of as Broads. Ballsy ladies that had madcap adventures in old movies.

Vancouver has a horrific drug problem. The reasons are complicated, ranging from the f'ing government closing vast wings of the psychiactric hospital and turning mentally ill people onto the streets about ten years ago, to being one of the warmest places in the country and acting as a magnet for drifters from

Because making the pipe easily available is what causes people to smoke crack. Says puritanical scold who knows nothing about drugs or drug addiction.

He was in my drawing class, he looked like Grunge Jesus and one day the class went drawing in the local cemetery. I wore a red sundress and leaned over his shoulder, resting my breasts against his back and asked innocently, "What are you drawing?"

The day Izzy was created at Giant PR Firm: Dude 1: (snorts 3 lines) OK, so what it's this animated thing, not really an animal or anything, just a THING, man...

In July of 2012, I was enjoying my summer vacation (I'm a teacher) and was scouring the Internet for ways to indulge my healthy obsession with "The Hunger Games" book series. One evening, I stumbled upon a HG podcast and listened as voices chatted and joked about casting rumors for the second film, "Catching Fire." As

Overheard at the party I attended: "Does EVERYTHING have to be about sexism with girls and women? The only thing this ad is teaching girls is that they aren't okay the way they are". A woman said this, while holding her 4 year old daughter.

Well, if you're the guy making 300+ times the income your employee, you have to be able to live with yourself. You have to really believe that you're the smartest guy in the room, and that you've worked harder, and that you deserve it more. Because if you don't, than you have to admit to yourself that you're

Rural Alberta, southern Newfoundland, and Northern Quebec walk into a bar...

And if they could stop 'pinning' the back of the clothes so it "fits" (WRONG) better, that'd be great, too.

Did you get your $10,000 bounty up front, or is Jezebel sending the check in the mail?

I love when I overhear my husband talking to our cats, when he doesn't realize I'm listening. They were originally my cats, and he is not much of a cat person in general, but sometimes I'll overhear him from the other room explaining the finer points of baseball or old western films to one of them and it makes me feel

I'm sorry Madelaine, but I think you completely misread this and underestimated Katie Couric's journalistic skill in the process. In fact, Couric achieved her goal brilliantly - her goal being to normalize Trans people for mainstream America. You could tell the whole conversation was rehearsed because they had the