
They actually did just that for Toph of Avatar The Last Airbender. They originally planned to have a big macho guy, but then decided to replace him with a little girl and keep the characterization exactly the same. It was awesome.

Inexcusable omission:

Patrick Stewart isn't on this list. Methinks you have no taste at all.

I can actually speak from both sides of this coin. I'm a gay transguy who lived as a woman for the first 40 years of his life. When gay dudes look me up and down, there is no threat of possible violence for me. When I was presenting as female, the possibility of sexual assault was a very real concern. Dudes that

Forever alone...

Jewish lesbian penguins?

Right? Why is it so weird one way and then the other way they're begging their girlfriends "just try it once"?

"But they said there are no cats in America and the streets are paved with cheese."

This is as much for the "genius-level IQ" line as everything else.

Username checks out folks. We have an expert here!

One of my biggest pet peeves is how many of my males friends brag about intentionally fucking up chores. I had a science teacher who said the first week he and his wife moved in together he intentioned put bleach in the wash and ruined all her clothes so she would never "let" him do chores again. This was not a unique

The good news is that if you want Blake Lively's nose, you can buy it like she did.

I just made this face:

I was trying to adapt by being verbal, which led to her accusing me of being disingenuous. She said I was saying it just because she wanted me to say it and not because I meant it. My anxiety in all interactions with her started increasing because I felt increasingly judged in every thing I said or did. Ultimately