
Was this not already common knowledge? In all historical stories and descriptions people drank wine or beer, more wine or beer, maybe some milk, but usually wine or beer. Obviously they had to be 3 sheets half the time.

My daughters are the second generation of modest dressing in this family.

Every single one of those ladies is doin' it wrong. I divert your attention to the only debutante the 'verse needs:

You know you're in trouble when Prince Philip thinks you're daft.

I know a gilded cage when I see one.

Yeah exactly. I feel like men have more pressure to make more money and be interesting, basically to have game.

Sooo, to to fight the patriarchy, he wants you modify your life around what a guy thinks is best for you? Yeah, not sure your boyfriend thought that one through.

I have found my people! Ex-husband used to let me go to town on his back - sooo satisfying. Current Husband is not so keen, but gets the most fantastic spots. When I notice a new one forming, I stop listening to him and just gaze at it. It's like in a cartoon where one character is really hungry, and the other



Sometimes I wonder if the hubby notices that I am actually staring at his nose and not paying attention to him when he talks.

I love watching people pop huge pimples and/or blackheads :3

Every time my husband tries to change into his pajamas at night, I accost his back with my fingernails. Poor thing. I don't know why he puts up with me.

This has to be a girlfriend thing. My Ex was like this all the time. I'd love a good back scratch/massage too but then I'd hear the little...almost excited(?) gasp from her and feel her nails dig into my skin. "I wanna get iittt!" she'd cry. And her triumphant laugh when she got the blackhead out was something

I am a serious picker. I'm always going after my boyfriend's clogged pores, and my own. He says I get a really intense look of pleasure and concentration on my face when I do it.

Me! My manfriend let's me pick at his head, his back, his face, ANYWHERE I WANT. It's amazing. He gets these whiteheads on his scalp and every so often I'll just pick and pop them. So satisfying. He's so used to it now, he asks me to do it when there's a good one he thinks I'll really enjoy popping. That's love.

Yzma is the best Disney villain - nay, CHARACTER - of all time. There, I said it.

Adultism (prejudice and discrimination against young people) is one of the few acceptable forms of oppression and discrimination left in our society and I'm seeing it rampant here. Knocking/mocking this person's experience ("it's only been two years, pah!"), 'oldsplaining' (like mansplaining, but when an older person

I mean, is the gear-shift in a different place in Saudi Arabian cars?

This morning I made a piping hot cup of disappointment for my husband. Rich black disappointment, tinged with regret and a sense of impending loss, served piping hot with two sugars and some cream.