
I'm sorry what? I have a very heavy period so I'm buying menstrual products on the regular and I have never seen "designer tampons". Is that like the Kotex stuff with the colorful wrappers? Does it really cost more? I don't know. I'm strictly an OB girl because nothing else can even hope to contain my flow for more

I had to read it twice to be sure. What's up with the emphasis on the bride's reaction? I'd think the groom might find the castration disturbingly symbolic.

Misleading headline misleads.

Snap Poll:

How many of you originally thought the man was the groom?

I did.

Adult women writing HP fanfic kept livejournal alive for like, 2 years past its expiration date...

I sort of want a non butt plug version for halloween.... but also for running around my living room when no one is watching. With matching ears.

If you guys think this is shocking, I need to introduce you to some more interesting people.

Hey, spray tan missed a spot.

Do you really think that your daughter will be at less of risk of sexual violence if she wears long shorts? Rather than worry about how your daughter might dress, you should get her enrolled in a martial arts class. If you have sons teach them how not a rape, and that women are human beings.

(this is Sagegirls' hubby posting, using her screenname, telling about how she took his virginity. Because she thought it'd be funny if I told everyone what she did to me)

Age: 20

I guess I feel like there is a big difference between "we had sex and the condom broke, and I got pregnant" and "we had sex and were planning on using the pull-out method, but he'd had a bit to drink and we decided that just this once wouldn't hurt." The latter is a refrain I have heard from at least 5 or 6 of my

It was the balmy summer of 1994 and I was deeply into the terrible trend of sloppily cut-off jorts. My favorite pair could lovingly be described as "mom jorts" and the edges looked like they'd been mercilessly gnawed by honey badgers.