
Is drawing a free card supposed to be that great? I mean, if this card wasn’t in my deck, the card I would get to draw when I play it is the one I would have gotten instead of this turkey. Therefore it is purely a net negative. Who would have ever put this in their deck?

I’m feeling the opposite. Right now I have this sinking feeling that this is going to be just one more car in what’s promising to be a long, long train of increasingly-awful downright abuse that he’s going to get away with scot-free, no consequences, nothing... some spin doctoring, some misdirection, some projection,

Really? My favorite Trumpism so far from the Trump dittoheads has been, “You must have a really violent, dark imagination to take what he said that way.” Aaararaagraragh, just typing that made my blood pressure spike...

Makes a hard mage humble?

I kept a Ford Escort clunking along for over 250,000 miles and had all sorts of weird things crap out. Belts I didn’t know existed dried out and snapped. Gaskets crumbled.

Better negotiation (“You think this for that is a fair trade? Not at all. We want gold, gold per turn, strategic resources, and your last copy of all your other luxuries to boot.”)

Superheroes have an extra burden to remain in control all the time, but this movie asks repeatedly, what happens when they don’t? It’s not just the real human cost of ‘collateral damage’ - Vision suggests, in a conversation that really should have gotten more attention, that the existence of strength seems to

Oh, right, *that*’s why we didn’t go to the French Quarter for NYE.

There are few trans roles, but, you know,actors who are trans need not be restricted only to roles that are trans. #justsayin

they need a biblical disaster to really care about winning.

Aspartame is the one with the bad rap, but sucralose makes my heart race and flutter, so screw that.

It’s killing me that you put back that dress with the flower detail! It looks so fab on you.

I keep wondering who I have to peg to get out of the grays.

If you have pets, not so fast with the Diatomaceous Earth. I think there are safe ways to use them with pets, but it requires some caution.

He knew. Littlefinger is a pimp who’s already been established as having zero hesitation to sell women to men he knows will torture them.

“Untouchable” - Garbage

She needs to screen better.

On the other hand, by minimizing character customization, they keep their games playable on a wider range of older systems. The more customizable each player's toon is, the more resources are needed for rendering. I do wish that when they updated the character models for WoD that they had added a wider range of

I'd love to see them add a Library, which keeps all those books you collect from various places, copies of letters (a single letter takes up a whole bag slot), and copies of books you've read while exploring the world.

It's not laundry baskets that are the problem. It's stuff like crusty old dirty plates piled on a table or candy wrappers on the floor, that sort of thing, that really kills a selfie.